Before applying For Adsense what should I need To Check ?

Hi guys you know already from my previous post this blog will gonna apply for AdSense. But Do you know how many things this blog abide for applying AdSense? This gonna be a real example of this blog that can be helpful to you for knowing what kinds of thing you need to check before applying for AdSense. Here you read the tips:

Before applying For AdSense what should i need To Check ?

Adsense success

The most important part of the blog or website is age. If your blog never pass at least 6 months then don’t apply for it. This blog has registered at the Third of dec 2010 and at the Third of May 2011 will be 6 months of this blog so that means there is no worried for applying AdSense from this blog but this is not enough this is the only one conditions there are still few more things which i am gonna discuss below.
2.whois:This is another very important part. If you apply from blogspot or other free hostings site then it can be pretty tough for you to get approval. So try to buy domain from any domain providers company and then try for it.
3.Seo & website design: 
Search engine optimisation is such things which will help you to get visitor according to your content and most search engine will find content from the proper seo optimised sites or blog.
4.Unique content:
The content is a king for a blog. The blog which have enough content and all the content are not unique then your blog will be black listed. So this thing is very important. So if your content is not unique start from the fresh and try to write fresh content.
5.Popularity in search engine:
Okay you have a lot of good content and your blog never meet proper visitor then if you have AdSense approval also you will never get any earnings from this sites. So try to get visitor from search engine. This blog every day get 500 visitor from search engine which is quite good.
6.Number of contents: 
The content is the king so the more you build up your blog content the more your blog will get more visitor from search engine.
Try to published your blog in English. Although google AdSense allowed few Language’s from different countries but if your blog in English language then your blog will be internationally recognized.
Cloaking refers to the practice of presenting different content or URLs to users and search engines. So that means when google finds redirecting system in the site it banned the site for indexing.
9.privacy policy:
Try to have privacy policy page in your blog. This is very important part for AdSense.
10.Use Alt Tag in image: 
Try to add alt tag in image for blogger. this is very important part for search engine.Alt tag in images helps you with search engine positioning in making your website on top on SERPs.
After Following all this steps properly i hope your blog will gonna approved if there is no problem in email verifications or email id. The most important part of applications are email address you have to provide same email address with your registered domain name.

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