Best 10 on-page seo optimization Tips

You must do on-page seo or search engine optimization to placed any website in good position for search. In good position i mean at the first page of Google or any search engine ‘s search list. May be you know how to do on-page seo but for your better on-page seo, i have given more tips so that you cant skip any part of on-page seo.
I have prepared a check list for best on page seo optimization for a blog.
May be while you will be doing on-page seo, it will be very helpful to you .
Lest find out 10 best on-page seo tips for any website.

Best 10 on-page seo optimization Tips

1.Post Title:
A post become most attractive by the post title. To make a writings most appealing, you have to set post title correctly. You have to write the post title as attractive so that a reader become interested to read the post. Not only read but also like to share it on social networking sites. You have to keep the word as little as 70 letter to get seo value. Most importantly insert the keyword in your post title. By this you will get more visibility amongst the competitive sites. Please make sure that “stop word” are not set in post title. So try to avoid stop word and write the letter within 70 letter.

2.Meta Description Tag:
You have to write meta description Tag for a post perfectly so that when a visitor get well info from the search engine result’s page before going to read the full page. You have to keep meta description within 155 to 160 words. Never copy paste the meta description from the post body content . Give total idea about the full post in meta description shortly by 160 letter. You should not use any “quotation” or alphabetic character in meta description. Give emphasis in main keyword in meta description.

3.Meta Keyword Tag:
Once upon a time, meta keyword tag was very important facts in search engine. But after upgrade of google search engine system it has become useless. So you don’t need to keep much more heed on it. Don’t use many meta keyword. Never use many meta keyword. Careful. But if you want, use one or  two meta keyword and it should be very related to the post.

4.Before writings a Content:
Last update of Google give much more emphasis on content. The content is king and it will remain same forever for any sites. The content should be unique and relevant to the site. If you have more than one page and the subject of the page is same, then you will get penalty from Google

5.You Must Remember:
Don’t write content for only getting search engine visitors but to helped the visitors about what they searched for. So if you keep writings like that a visitor will be helped by that content and you will get regular visitor. Keep the content easy to understand. Try to make the content more than 450 words

6.Keyword Density:
Increase the use of Targeted keyword in the content. The targeted keyword will be 1.5 or 2 percent from the full content. If you have the content in 500 words , so you have to (500*1.5/100 = 7.5 or 8 times need to use the keyword in the full post.

7.Header Tag:
You Must need to use header Tag in the articles. You can highlighted the targeted keyword by using header tag like (H2 and H3) inside the post. Search engine look at these keywords more. So that why you must insert the keyword in these tags. To use any header tag can be called spamming.

8.Internal &External link:
It is necessary to use internal link in  the post. Because internal link will increase site link juice. To increase page rank, internal link is must.But you have to be careful that to use internal link, don’t give irrelevant post as internal link. Try to give the internal link in same type of post and the reader can get more info about the subject , he or she is looking at from that link. If you write about Mercedes bench car and you have to use the internal link in that post as same about car. don’t add the link like labour management even though it was from the same blog. Try to put external link as low as you can. and must use no follow tags in external link.

Be careful while using picture. Don’t use any copyright picture. After upload the picture add Image Alt Tag. give the description of the picture in few words.

10.Bold Italic:
Try to bold the important part of the post and make italic in few places to get quick eyes in that word. So visitor will easily understand the reason of bold italic and read that easily. remember use too many bold italic is considered spam.

Permalink is very important in the post.  It is to use % post name% such type Permalinkstructure. If you see that after published the post Permalink is big then edit and make it short before published. Mind it that while making short link don’t make it so short that none can understand the link.

Conclusion: not only giving you guide for home business but also seo tips, wordpress tips and web development tips to make you real expert freelancer. These 10 seo tips will be helpful for getting visitors and how to earn more money at home. If you have any more good tips just add as comment. One more thing subscribe to our rss feed for next seo post.

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