Best File Searching Tool Search Everything That I am Using

Hi, Do you know recently Hard drive has been innovated with new storage capabilities. and now a days 500 gb 1000 gb 1 terabyte hard disk are ordinary factor to the pc user. They have huge space but most importantly when need to search any file , got into trouble for huge storage on hard drive.They have to face huge trouble to find a specific file. May be in your 1000 gb hard drive full with movies, songs, music videos, photos etc here you had lost one important file and feeling dilemma how to search the file with normal file search option ? Ya you have to face in huge difficulties to do so. Don’t worry so much. Today i have given you a simple tool that is search everything a very useful software to search any file most effectively.

Best File Searching Tool Search Everything That I am Using


Here is the key features For search everything
1.Very small installation file (portable also available)
2.Clean and neat interface
3.Quick file indexing (20000 in one second)
4.Quick search engine
5.It takes very few recourse

Here you can know more about this small tool : Faq
Download link:Search everything
File size:334kb
Now enjoy this tool and forget all file to remember .

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