How accurate is the Google Page Rank?

Google’s support forum for webmasters doesn’t want website owners to worry too much about the Page Rank of their sites or pages thereof. Perhaps that is too old a metrics for gauging popularity of a site.
The concept was invented in 1998 by Larry Page, a student of Stanford University. Google does not assign much importance to this concept anymore. Thus, page ranks are displayed in Google Toolbar a few times a year. Analytics, conversion rates, return on investment (ROI), accuracy of back links from high PR sites, relevancy, site saturation and 200 such other signals get more weight on the way a site is crawled, indexed and ranked. However, Page Rank is an easy metric. Just have a look at the toolbar to know whether your site has been crawled properly on not. Just not too useful for a site owner. It would be rather more helpful to check out what actually links directly to gains of a website or web business. Still, the fact is that debates in SEO are even now centered more on continuously tracking Page Rank. Debaters tend to agree that it affects search engine results in a big way.

How does Google determine the Page Rank of a given site or a page on the internet?

Indeed, it’s all about a link analysis algorithm. Each element of a hyper-linked set of documents is measured in terms of relative importance and a numerical value of a whole number between 0 and 10 is assigned to them. This value, displayed by Google toolbar displays that number as an indication of a visited page’s Page Rank. The amount of “Page Rank value” that this link will pass depends on the Page Rank of a page divided by the number of outgoing links on Page. The position and visibility of a particular page or site is also weighed carefully. Based on that, it gets simple enough to know that Page Rank is calculated from quantity and quality of inbound links only. One could go on posting tons of contents each minute on his/her site or blog and still not score impressively in Google Page Rank. The Mantra is, five or six high-quality links from websites valued twice as much as twice many links from less reputable sites.
Then, why it’s so that Google almost never makes its way of working out Page Ranks public? It’s a totally internal and closely guarded affair of the colossus. Does that impress a person when search engine’s basics don’t match his/her query? Perhaps not. So, Google has been smart enough to look into such issues as text-matching techniques while developing its search engine. Page level estimations are more relied upon while returning search results every time. Internally, Google uses different values of pages. While toolbars of two sites display an identical Page Rank of 3, it does not mean exactly 3 for both sites. One of them might be 3.456 and the other could have a score of 3.234. So, there lies the secret of Google Page Rank.
One has to bear it in mind that while Google updates a site’s Page Rank a couple of times each year, the company internally carries out this exercise quite regularly. Where is the need, in that case, for anyone to take this numerical value called Page Rank seriously? As far as Future Page Ranks are concerned, most of the sites providing such services have not been successful in giving any sense of accuracy or authenticity. Better SEO job could be done even without putting much stress on one’s Page Rank.

About the author: Alia Haley is a blogger who has a keen interest in tech stuff. She is very fond of luxury cars and is always on a look out for latest cell phones and tablets.

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