How To Block Annoying Ads In Mozilla Firefox,Google Chrome & IE

Ads truly hurts the visitors of a website. Did you know that for ads sometime a webpage can be slow?So we need to think about it.But advertisement not always create harm to us.Some time we can be
benefited by the ads.May be if you want to speed up your browsers then you can try with some adblocker in your computer.In real sense i can say ads not bad but for the sake of hassle free browsing
you should have adblocker tools.

May be you have known some great pop up and adblocker already though i am gonna share with you some great pop up and adblocker tools.In general most of the people used 3 common web browser in online.
They are called:-1.Mozilla 2.Google chrome 3.Internet Explorer

Now I am going to show you

How to block ads in Mozilla FireFox?


A.Built in options:

If you are using Mozilla FireFox by default you can set up your browser for blocking pop ups images and not to run java or javascript.How to do it?
Go to Tools

and now give check marks or removed checked marks as your need.

B.Using addons Adblockplus:
You can easily block annoying ads and pop ups using this extensions.It blocks all kinds of ads and you can set filters manually to block specific item.I prefer this than others.
3.Flash block:Flash block is most essential to block flash advertisements.You can save computer resources by blocking flash.To use it must you have enabled javascript.
C.Yes script:
Its a great tools that  restricts java scripts.YesScript  make a blacklist of sites that aren’t allowed to run JavaScript. you can take full control of your browser using this tools.which websites ads you need to display you can fixed it by this tools.
May be it doesn’t help you to block arts but it can help you to make blocked ads more smartly.It works conjunction ally with adblock plus and it can recognized when a advertisement was blocked.

3.How to block ads in Google chrome:

You can block ads even if you are a google chrome user.what should you have to follow for blocking ads in google chrome are as follows:
Actually in google chrome if you use free privoxy web proxy you can do it.It can blocks websites serving ads fine.So you have to configure this software with google chrome here’s;s how to do it?
1.Download it
2.Install it on the wrench icon in chrome in upper corner
4.Choose options> under the hood >change proxy settings on LAN settings in the Internet properties dialog connection tab
6.check off “proxy settings” and in the address settings add and in the port 8118
7.if you have the options you can also check off”bypass proxy for local settings”.
8.Now click OK .close chrome
9.Restart google chrome
10.You are done.
I am using privoxy and browsing websites with free ads however sometime when i checked GMail ,ads suddenly appear.its a google text ads.But overall its quite clear ads from other websites.
you can try it also.
Note:for the first time its shows error when i was going to check Gmail .But after lexapro medication my refresh its fixed the problem.

How to block ads in IE

You can block ads in IE now more easily.Just only Download ie7pro Install this add- ons and Restart IE.

Download link:IE7pro adblocker
Its a pretty hard to find  a website without ads.Its a must and absolute part of a webpage.So we can not think website without any ads.Ads some time may be disturbing but it can be helpful too if we need to find something to buy. Without ads a webpage can become a notepad.On the other hand for safe browsing you can choose adblocker.

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Author:faridul islam

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