How can i get idea to write new articles for my blog?

Hi guys, its been long time i isolated me to update any new article’s for my blog. Actually currently i am busy with my company works which disturb me to find some time for writing articles for this blog. Anyway the good news is i am back again for giving you another important  post about blogging.
From the begging of this blog i emphasised on writing only social media and how to’s stuffs but slowly this blog turns into Technology blog which has cover a lot of various niches. By the by for the blog writers it is very important to keep consistency on updating post and deliver relevant articles which will be helpful and related with domain titles keyword.
The problem for the irregular blogger is they cant give relevant articles regularly.
So its very important to know how can i get idea to write new articles for my own blog?
Lets find out about it more at the below step by step points explanation’s

How can i get idea to write new articles for my blog?

1.Read others blog regularly:
If you are a professional blogger then there is no choice to read others blog for finding whats new coming. This can be helpful for you to to get idea and new thoughts.
2.Get involved in blog forums:
When you register any forum you have the ability to ask question and answer question as well. So if you finds any interesting topics which not many others blogger mentioned just pick up the topics  for writings for your blog.
3.Subscribes others blog by rss:
If you subscribes others blog using rss then when every time any new articles will be published, you can get that easily via rss feed without going to the specific websites. That’s will help you to read more about various topics.
4.Asked people to know their demands:
After completion of writing any new post did you ever asked to the readers that what they think or if there is any question to ask or not? If you never asked the people what they like or what they need then you cant get any new idea properly for writings new post later. So its very important to know the peoples demands.
5.Read free articles from the articles directory sites:
Don’t wastes time on facebook but give more times on reading articles according to your blog niches on various free articles directory sites. Such as
6.Use special software to read all articles without miss any:
Okay i have said that earlier about subscribe rss feed. To do that you can install feed software. One or many as you like,and read and read. But for you alone it is very difficult to finish many blogs to read one by one.  So what you can do just use feed burner to customise your favourite blogs articles and read it using feed burners software.
7.Changed others articles title to write a new with adding new points:
Even though google like to stored very new artilces but sometime from that kinds of single article’s are unable to fulfil the all the demands what a readers looking for in online. So in that case you can change the articles title a bit and add missing points which can be helpful for the online users.
8.Be consistent on reading rss:
Don’t be idle to read rss. Try to read rss feed regularly. You should make a routine in everyday which time can be the best for you to read rss feed and get new idea for new articles.
9.Find comments section as key source for writing new articles:
After finishing a post don’t stopped. Carry on reading and look for the comments section and find here what people says about the articles.  Take note about any new points or new idea and try to make another post on that particular subjects.
10.Check on google keywords tools that which keywords are most search able in online.:
Go to google keyword tools for finding new keyword and check which keywords have good searching hits on search engine and write articles based on that.
I hope after applying those steps you will never suffering from writing a new articles for your blog. I was thinking very deep about my own consistency on blogging and finally i have found those tips will be very helpful for me too to write new articles as well. So guys if you too find any others effective way which i never mentioned here, pls don’t hesitate to add that here by your valuable comment. I wish this article will be very helpful for the novices and professionals.
So guys try to follow those  steps  and keep up the good work on blogging and update your blog with new superb articles regularly.

Oh one more thing i forgot to mention you can write follow up articles if you think previous articles was not good enough to understand to the readers.

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