How To Cancel Pending Friends Request on Facebook Most Easily

Are you scared for sending too many facebook friends request? Are you sending too many unknown friends request? Now you are waiting for reply from all of the pending friends. But what a sorrow nobody accepting your request and some more pain is
That Facebook has Block you from sending friends request any more. Now What to do? You cant tolerate it all. Without facebook friends you feel boring and your less friends list looks so odd to you. Don’t be so sad. Today i am gonna help you from not to get block again .  If you cancel or remove all your friends request then it would be so easier to stay safe on facebook.

So Do you like to Know How To Cancel Pending Friends Request Most Easily Just follow this simple guide:

How To Cancel Pending Friends Request on Facebook Most Easily

  • 2.Allow this apps to your facebook apps page.


  • 3.Now  for the first time you will see the pending friends request box showing “0” To get all the pending friends request click on the bulk load Button see The image below:

  • 4.You will see another page will be open with new window . Here You can see at the top of the box mentions “Get friends request Data” Just click on it. See the image below:

  • 5.After click on the top “Get Friends request Data” Another window will pop up . Copy all the message from there and paste it at below box. See the above image. Then click on load Friends request. 

You will see all the pending friends request list.

  • 6.To cancel request click each of them at the right corner cancel request section . Then the persons profile page will be pop up. Hover your mouse at Friends request send button below the cancel request option will be pop up again . Just click on it. 

  • 7.You are done. 

You have completed the cancel request successfully.  To remove all the pending friends request just follow the step again.
if you have any more questions on How to remove pending friends request on facebook then just email us.

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