How to delete Temporary files from Windows within a simple Click

What can you do with Temporary files in your windows. You have to delete these kinds of files every time and its very boring to you. You are become tired with cleaning your temp file from windows. For using Internet, Temp files can be stored very easily.
Temporary files can be very troublesome to you if you have small hard disk space. It will slow your computer and stored a lot of unnecessary files into your hard drive. So what if you can delete this kind of files within one click or automatically?  Lets take a look of your Temp files in windows: Go to run and Type: %Temp% Hit Enter all Temp files will be shown to you. Now what can you do with it ? You can select all these files and then delete manually but what if You no need to do such kinds of hassle all times? Yes  Today I am going to show you

How to delete Temporary files from Windows within a simple Click

You can Do it very easily by typing few codes in your notepad. Then save the notepad as cleantemp.bat files in your Desktop. Here is the code just copy and paste into your notepad.

cd C:Users%username%AppDataLocal
rmdir /S /Q Temp

Then Save as Cleantemp.bat Now double click in this bat file , You can see the all Temporary files of your windows will be deleted. Now if you want to delete this files when your windows will be start then just copy the cleantemp.bat files and paste it in your windows start up files.

How to Paste in startup

Open program files from all programs you can see startup > Open hit enter Then Just paste the bat files.You are done. From now while your windows will be start then the cleantemp.bat files also start and it will automatically delete temp files from windows. You can experience fast Windows after this task executed.

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