How To Get GPA 5 In HSC Examination In Bangladesh

How to get gpa 5 in HSC examination In Bangladesh ?

How to get GPA 5 in Bangladesh

Some of you might think is it possible to get GPA 5 even in Higher secondary school examination ? For those who are uncertain and have some confusion in it , My clear and simple answer is Yes . Since 2001  grade point averages in short GPA system has been implemented in examination to judge merit then in every year many students have obtained GPA 5 .

One thing I must say even though you can get it but it’s not so easy as you think . You are very lucky enough who already get GPA five in ssc examination now it’s time to get it in HSC thus you will be double GPA 5 owner . Many students nowadays don’t try to concentrate on academic class and never submit notes to Teachers . There are few important things which you should fulfill in your two years study in HSC for having GPA five . Now, I am going to write about How To Get GPA 5 In HSC Examination In Bangladesh below.

First of all , Regularly you need to attend your college class .  Approach to class teacher directly of your college for any lack of understanding of class lectures after the class . Many students feel shy not to asked any questions even they are not clear the subject .

Secondly , You have to prepare your note and must review it by your respective Teacher . You can buy several guides to prepare a good and informative notes for your academic script .

Thirdly , Try to review your answer with other students find out if there is any more pointing that you missed out and need to add in your everyday class , so in this case it’s very important to mixed with bright student in your class don’t hesitate to make friends with them and create a group with all of your friends to discuss hard topics .

Fourthly , Give every internal exam with most sincerely and check the results if you get poor marks immediately you need to overcome it in your next exam . Don’t think that it’s not necessary to get higher marks of  college internal exam , Your preparation not  enough  if you get low marks on other students . So you must need to check whether in every exam you are getting high marks or not .

Fifthly , When you are in first year in college try to finish first year course faster as much as you can , because after that you can get time for study second year’s book that will help you to understand second year subject more easily while you will attend this class . If you are clever try to asked your second year senior for book syllabus so that you can read it earlier .

sixth , Ask your friends that have obtained GPA 5 in HSC exam and try to talk with them for your information to get high score too . The person that already obtained gpa 5 in HSC can give you more effective guidelines on the preparation before examination and How should you keep yourself calm and cool in near exam moment so that you can control your tension . If you are not so lucky enough to contact such students then just follow those steps and don’t be panic just be cool before the time of Examination and just give your normal exam as you have given in your college .

Final words , Good teacher loves good student so if you are good student and have strong determination for higher study in future then you can implement it in your student life too . You should not think that if I don’t get GPA 5 i have no problem because I already have it once This kind of thinking and negative mindset will not make you succeed in study . Don’t waste time  of using social media like Facebook , Twitter , Instagram etc you will get huge time for entertainment after your student life .

Student life is not perfect for entertainment . There are so many bright students at present , so it’s very difficult to compete with them if you never obtained GPA 5 . By the by, It is true only having GPA 5 is not considered you will bid them in University admission test . This is another story . Some of these students never get chance in Dhaka University even having GPA 5 for only such kind of proudly think . I will write another article How to get Admission in Bangladesh public University after passing HSC Examination easily till then best of luck your study . If you think this post is helpful for you and others then just share this article to your friends . Wish You Good luck.

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