How to stop getting messages from Facebook who is unknown?

Facebook is vast populated social media network in online. People getting connected each other through facebook . They exchange messages, photos, videos etc using facebook. But some times unknown friends or unknown facebook users may send  messages which is may not welcomed to you.
Yesterday i did some searches on google , How to stop getting messages from Facebook who is unknown? And luckily I have found a simple solution which is gonna share with you.

How to stop getting messages from Facebook who is unknown?

After facebook is upgraded with the graph search, the whole menu bar flips totally reverse. This might confuse people a bit but the privacy shortcuts and settings buttons never changed their positions.
Step 1: Click on the privacy shortcut button. This looks like this,
image Step 2: It will show you options like these,
Step 3: Then click on the option ‘who can contact me?’ set of options will be expanded,
Step 4: The option would be set to ‘Basic filtering’ by default. Setting this option allows messages from the unknown persons. The intention of facebook behind this option is that you may connect to people you know.
Step 5: To stop the messages from the unknown persons, choose ‘strict filtering’ option. Choosing this option will only allow your friends to send messages to you.

Conclusion :

At the end of this post i am sharing a nice little video tutorial , for those who still not clear can be helpful to understand  How to stop getting messages from Facebook who is unknown?. So i hope if you follow above method can easily fget rid of unnecessary messages and can keep your inbox free from flooding messages. Of course, this small solutions will be very helpful for all facebook users.

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