Ram Cleaner – Fast your computer without Restart

I hate computer! Don’t be afraid .Yes I hate computer which is very slow.I always try my best to make fast my computer.A computer can be slow for many reasons.Such as temporary files, registry files, cookies, windows log files etc.All are responsible to make a pc slow.You can clean using ccleaner but you cant clean Ram .So for that you don’t clean your Ram?Yes Today I am gonna show you how to clean Ram and make your computer super Fast?

Slow computer – Ram Cleaner : You no need to install any software just follow the steps below and You can clean computer Ram to make your computer more Fast…How you do that just follow side effects the steps below…

Easy Xp Ram Cleaner:

1.Right Click on the blank space on Desktop
2.Then, New > Shortcut
3.Here copy(ctrl +c) and paste (ctrl +v) this red Red location to the  Box

%windir%system32rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks

 4.Click Next 
5.Then write Easy Ram Cleaner


You have completed your Ram cleaner.Now when you feel that your computer has become slow Double click to Ram cleaner and Clean your Ram.
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author:faridul islam

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