Top 10 secret tips for increasing Blog visitors

I have been blogging for the last of 3 years. In this three years i have got a lot of tips and suggestions from expert blogger. Some of the tips which is totally secret to me. But for the sake of new bloggers i have to share this secret tips with all. Today i am gonna share Top 10 secret tips for increasing Blog visitors

Top 10 secret tips for increasing Blog visitors

  • 1. Are you new blogger? Setup your blog on for getting quick search engine visitors. For those who like to get indexed first is the key source. But one more thing you should have own domain name and complete seo friendly blog with reached and unique top quality articles.

  •  2. How is share options for your blog? You should share your blog with all social media sites with fan pages and you must have news letter, rss reader and email subscriber options in your blog.

  •  3.Go to 100 top free directory sites which page rank is around three or two, submit your blog there with short description and knowing the people why they should read your blog. 

  • 4.Don’t be late on keeping update your blog. Give new articles in everyday basis, Don’t copy paste others post but you can do some small tricks use translate the articles from its original source to English , in this case use google translate service. But you should be careful about to the point translation, because if Google knows that this article source then may put you on blacklist. 

  •  5.Your blog design should be nice and beautiful. Should have facebook fan page, google plus pages and twitter share link. Do not seo optimise your blog without fan pages. 

  • 6.speed up your blog. How fast is loading of your blog on users PC? so its very important to check your blog speed. If your blog takes too long time to load then the visitors will skip your blog. Best loading time of a fast blog is 3 seconds. 

  • 7.Increase your blog articles on regular basis, if you break then visitors will realize that its not wise to pass time with this blog. Keep record everyday how many people subscribe in your blog and try to ask them to fill up the subscribe email at the end of the post .

  •  8.Used your blog statistics insert Google analytic code to track the visitors and get the best info for your blog. Then find out which articles are hit by many people build up such kinds of article as many as you can. 

  • 9.Have guest post options in your blog. For the new blog nobody will like to write for your blog but if you have pretty quick success on search engine then some writers will come to write for your blog. 

  • 10.And finally for the last thing which you need to do for increasing blog visitors for your blog is write guest post for other blog. Especially find most popular blogs and write on them guest post as many as you can then add link of your new blog on the articles or give short bio of yours at the end of the post. Try to write post on established here premier membership if you can. Lastly writings guest post for others blog is the secret key for increasing your blog visitors.

 Conclusion:I have been blogging and i will be blogging for for ever. I live on blogging and i will dedicate my life’s on blogging. If you asked me what is the best session of your life in a day? I will answer him when i write articles for my blog. I also like to increase my blog visitors by following those secret tips. I hope you will be helped too by this articles if you just start blogging. subscribe our rss and get post automatically.

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