Useful websites will Reload Automatically

In online web browsing we have to visit so many websites and if this websites automatically reload in our browser we can save our time and never be forget to visit that useful websites.This facilities can be very useful for those who are always like to browse many websites in a we can fixed the time for reload and it will automatically reload with update such as playing score, share stock exchange news, games etc.Today I will show you how to reload useful websites automatically?

Useful websites will Reload Automatically

We can activate this reload system with adding one simple add ons in our Mozilla firefox browser.This add ons name is ‘Reloadevery’ so adding this add ones you can reload webpages, which pages are very useful to to get it go to or you can go developer sites  install it and Restart firefox .Now which web page you want to be reload on browser, open the page and right click on the reload tab -select time, and click Enable on the top .If you want to stop reload – Remove the Arrow sign on Reload every >Enable .If you want to reload all the web pages just select Reload every > Enable All Tabs. And if you want to stop to reload all pages select Reload every>Disable all tabs.  is giving such kind of facilities . so if you wish you can visit this site also.
author:faridul islam

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