When You can Socialized Your Blog Post ? After getting Low Search ?

When you write a new Blog post or article you may get very few readers on that post if you never seo that particular post for getting search engine results.
There is no shortcut method to make a bad article to show in Google search engine first pages . Every new blogger should follow the proper seo rules and regulations to get quick impression from search engine.
But what if even you have done your article pretty well and still you are facing low amount of search visitors for that particular post ? What might be gone wrong ?
well there is a very good tools which has given by  Google is called Google keywords tools is a must need options for every new article to check with before it goes viral on blog or websites.
Why should you use this tools to write your article ? One easy answer is you need to know your target keywords value and it’s search volume to the search engine .
So while writing any new post if you check your target keywords with it and then decide to write full content with following proper seo it could not be a weak article or post for seo concern indeed. That means proper method of using Google keywords tools can give you exact results which you like to get from SERPs. You have to write a post where you have to given details analysis about your target keywords or which subject you like to tell to your readers so that your readers will get enough information or Data from it. If not after just following seo guideline for any particular article is not a good approach to have search engine visitors.
So there are many factors which are connected to a blog article to get its real success. We can number this as follows
1.Target your keywords
2.Write down the keywords in main article
3.Use long tail keywords in Title
4. Check your keywords competition
5. Check your keywords search Value
6.Check your targets keywords nations
7.Use alt Tag in Images
8.Give details information about your post
9.Add video content for adding more quality to the post
10.Check your post is updated or recent from Google trends
After following all these rules and regulations if you can write articles it will be surely visible in search engine  . What if you don’t have enough visitors after following above method ?
Yes, it would be very frustrating and upsetting factor for any new blogger and writers if he or she never get optimum results in this case you can socialized your article by yourself.
How can you do that ?
You can share your article to all major social media sites and request your readers to share it too.
There are many of them I can mention here major sites name like Facebook, Twitter,  StumbleUpon, Google plus, pinterest, delicious, YouTube,reddit etc
So it’s your control to  know others about your article if you like it to after getting poor results from organic search.
One thing I must say , there are still few main point Which you need to consider for example sites age, backlinks, article trends and grammar error which can be responsible for low search results too.
On the other hand if you choose high competition keywords then it is also very difficult to go first pages on Google.
Because there is already other blog post or article which stored on Google index and Google will show them first then yours.
So I hope you can understand the importance of manually sharing your article if you are getting low amount of search visitors for your article.
Following manual method you will get your visitors from social media network and of course it can be another way of marketing content.

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