Why blogger platform is still Handy for Blogging

If I am not wrong since 2009 I have been doing it . Yes you are right I m doing blogging for killing my extra time and giving me some entertainment with exchange my view to readers in this blog for more than five years. In this long time I was not so active in blogging though but sometimes I was able to manage to check this blog . By the by still I never doing blogging as my professional job. So if you are not taking blogging as professional then blogger platform is best for you. You can ask me why blogger is good for those part time blogging?

Why blogger platform is still Handy for Blogging

The very best and easy answer is blogger hosting is free.

You know that in online what ever you store for that you need to buy space from company. And generally this is called hosting .
We all know that Google company is giving blogger platform as free hosting service. So you are out of cost to pay hosting fee.
So How long and hoi much you are doing blogging in blogger platform is totally free of cost with faster speed internet server from Google.
On the other hand as a newbie you will not like to pay money for learning blogging . Many people start their blogging from blogger. Slowly and day by day when they took it as professional then moved to WordPress .
Of course WordPress is not free. You have to pay for your own hosting services. More over when your blog content is becoming large you have to pay money more. But for professional it is not a fact. Because they can do more customize with WordPress.
They can backup their content. But in blogger it’s not possible. This is the limitations that blogger has. By the by for starting blogger platform is the best to learn blogging.
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