Why people will read my blog?

This is a sensitive question if i ask myself as this blog owner why people will read my blog ? May be i need to explain something for it. I am blogging here for the last of 9 months even though haven’t finish my 1 year by this time i have gained some experience in blogging.
i am trying my best to satisfy my reader which thing they should follow if they are in online and which thing they should not do if they are computer user. For entertainment purpose
i ‘ve given few post about songs, movies but what i was trying to deliver you was almost free to use. More over i am trying to make sure you that if you regularly follow this blog you will never get wrong info and this blog never mislead you.

I myself a self learner of professional blogging so that’s why i cant say how to make you a good blogger. But as my experience is building up day by day i have been moving to that part. Yes i will try my best to choose
yourself why you should need to blogging and how blogging can be. From the beginning of my blog post i was emphasise on two most popular social networking services facebook and twitter although most of the post had came from facebook
but gradually this blog has moved to technology blogging. Therefore i must say this is not a facebook or twitter blog this is a complete technology blog now. I would be highly grateful to my friends sankor who is helping me to run this blog.


why i read blog?


Now i need to memorise why i am writing this post because this is the 150th  post of this blog and here i need to take some feedback from my reader if they get any help from this blog please comment here.

And let us know what kind of technology post you like to read from this blog. As long as this blog contained already,  i have given few post, all of the post i hope was quite helpful to the reader. For example i was given a post about online top 10 English songs download web sites
here i was trying to said if you need to download free English songs then you may go that sites. There are more other post have which is mitigate such kind of necessity in online.
This blog will be more resourceful day by day and we hope the reader of this blog will get more benefit. Here we have launched computers problem and solution pages if you find any problem using computer and Internet  then feel free to let us know here we will try best to help you from this pages.

Actually this blog always trying to give simple and easy solution about online and computer. Specially if you face any problem using facebook and twitter then don’t be late to know us about it.
why you will read this blog and how much helpful content you have found on this blog this question’s we can ask you now.  So if you think any post or any topics of this blog have made your computer and Internet using comfortable
then don’t  be late to know us about that. In recent future we will publish more reliable content and rich topics so please carry on reading this blog and let invite your friends to read also.

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