A to z guideline for beginners How to start Blogging without Any cost ? Updated May 2017

A to z guideline for beginners How to start Blogging without Any cost ? Updated May 2017
Hi, Even though thousands of tutorial in online about How to start a blog but most people fall in confusion which tips or suggestions they would follow for long-term blogging ?

No worries or confusion anymore I m gonna write an update post about How to start Blogging without Any cost for beginners level . This article best for those who wants to blogging without paying a dime but earn thousands of cash for students or Housewife. Or anyone who wants to practice writing and increase English skills then want to join pro blogging arena. If any new blogger like to start blog he or she might follow this article for successful starting.
I am assuming that the person who are reading this article know basic  about blog and  Internet, have little knowledge on basic computer.


A to z guideline for beginners
A to z guideline for beginners

A to z guideline for beginners How to start Blogging without Any cost ? Updated May 2017

First read why should blogging then you will know that you are doing it not only for fun or entertainment but also it has some sort of help to build up your writing skills and can help you to fill up your financial goals.
Okay I hope you know at least what is called blog and why should you have it. Okay fine.

Now grab a cup of coffee and sit back in chair start to reading rest of the article with more concentration.

Basic concepts which I cover first is

  • How to apply or register a blog ?
  • Which platform I use?
  • How to finds blog name ?
  • How to use free Hosting with custom domain?
  • How to design blog ?
  • Email setup
  • How to write killer article which is searching most ?
  • How to Add social media to blog
  • How to apply AdSense ?
  • Final words

How to apply for blog or register blog ?
You are pretty much willing to start Blogging now right ? Okay. As we can know that Internet has many blogs but most of them are not control by own or   on the other hand some blog has self hosting platform.
Actually for having a free blog in online what you need just one Gmail account. That’s Enough for you. I hope you also have it. So let’s register our first blog now.  You may want to know what if I don’t pay anything how to have my own blog yes its because Google blogger company gives us a free platform to start a free blog. As I said you don’t have to pay anything for your own blog in blogger platform. But here one thing I should clear to you that you can not control or backup your article automatically as it is hosted to third-party server.
So this is the only demerits to use blogspot domain for your blog. Oh yes when you apply a new blog using Google account your blog name would be like this your domain.blogspot.com because  you are using blogger free platform to setup a blog.
Now go to blogger.com and register a name for your blog .
One thing you take note that you will use blogspot domain and hosting for your own custom domain even you don’t have your own blog name but you can use custom domain which is your own to redirect to your blogspot blog .  Thus even you will do blogging in google free hosting but you are the owner of your own Domain if you redirect to custom domain.
We I’ll do it for using free hosting only but we will be owner of our domain name as we will buy custom domain name according to our blog niche or main keywords for our blog.

Which platform I use for blog?
Normally for pro blogging  everybody would say self hosting platform is best. But as we are not going to pay anything for hosting so in that case blogger.com platform is the best. There are so many other platform for cms like word press, ipage, joomla but we will keep blogging as begginer in blogger.com

How to choose domain name ?
Wait before have it tell me first what you will do with your blog ?
If you said you want to learn and earn then you must read how to choose a domain name read it below
It is very easy to choose a perfect name for your blog if you self hosting it or you choose wordpress.org but we face bit problem for using free hosting as we don’t want to pay for our blog content. One thing I just tell you even you don’t have your own hosting for free blogging platform in blogger but getting quick visitors and earning money you must pay few bucks for choosing a domain name. Which is called custom domain or your own domain. This payment is not monthly basis. You have to pay just for a year and you can have it after renew your domain name yearly .which is called your custom domain name if you still not clear which  I have just mentioned.
So that’s why I would like to suggest you buy a custom domain then that domain need to link to your blogspot blog.You can do it by reading here.
So before choosing your domain one thing you have to keep in your mind what is your favorite keywords or which topics you would like to write without feeling any uncomfortable ? You may asked questions what is keywords ? Okay keywords is the term or words which we like to use for searching in search engine. This is in short called searching terms in online.It can be a long tail keywords or its a short keywords what ever we used in Google or other search engine to find out more information about that subject or buy something in online.
For example if I am a fond of music lovers and try to gets songs for my favorite singer I would type in Google search engine like this “Michael Jackson best songs ” or something like Michael Jackson best  songs free watch or download.”
So if that’s so we will see the results come out In Google search after that keywords search based on my terms .
So the person who has blog on music with Michael Jackson songs and has download options his or her blog will show up in here including others blog link   but if your blog link  is  correct and has proper information according to keywords search then your blog will show up in first search engine rankings pages, so depending the article it will show might be first places in first search engine results pages which vary by article types.
So that’s means keywords about your blog is very important to bid other blog while people search in Google or any other search engines.
So if you choose a keywords like learning English grammar online for free then you might choose your domain name like this learnfreeenglishgrammer.blogspot.com like this. But as we only do blog in free we would use blogspot only for our free hosting and we will use our custom domain to link that blogspot domain using redirect method so that we can blog with perfect names and rank our sites Google search engine quickly.  So we  no need to worry much about blogspot name. We just go name.com and buy our domain according to our main niche or keywords for blog.You can read about niche or why should use niche keywords here.
Okay we have setup our domain according to our keywords and liking now need to setup custom domain to blogger.com after that we can move to design our blog.

How to setup custom domain in Blogger.com:
This short note  from Google support which is helpful to understand how to setup custom domain in Blogger platform
Set up your domain with your blog
Set up a custom domain so that your original Blogger address automatically forwards to your new domain.
1. Sign in to Blogger .
2. Select the blog to update.
3. In the left menu, click Settings > Basic > Publishing .
4. Under your current domain, click Set up a 3rd party URL for your blog .
5. Enter your URL, including the www.
6. Click Save .
7. An error will appear with two CNAMEs.
8. Visit your domain registrar’s website and find the DNS (Domain Name System) or the Name Server settings in the control panel.
9. delete existing CNAME entries.
10. Enter the CNAMEs provided in the error message and click Save .
11. Wait for a few hours for your settings to activate, then follow steps 1–6 above.

Everybody never buy custom domain from same place or same domain company. There are many well known domain and hosting provider in USA like go daddy, hostgator, namecheap etc. I have bought our blog domain from namecheap.com So I have given example here how to setup custom domain with blogger from namecheap.  Maybe All other domain provider have slightly different method  but overall setup method is same for all companies with slight modifications only.

How to design your blog ?
Now a days it is very important to have most attractive design for every blogger home pages . If you your blog not look nice and responsive you might loose first impression from readers who will look or visit your blog for the first time.
So design your blog with nice color and logos and mind it first that your blog design should be professional and people would like your blog information without any hassle. So your blog need to be responsive and nice looking. In other words if you never use a responsive design your blog will not show up in search engine results so quickly and most importantly it will get less impression in search engine.
If so you will not see any visitors are viewing your blog except you it will may frustrate you and divert your writing habit .
To design your blog in blogger template is bit complicated as it has no separate files or server. You have to customize your xml files only inside blogger template settings pages. In This case
It is better to have some html and css knowledge but if you don’t have also no problem just buy theme from responsive blogger template sites and upload to your blogger template.
There are many sites in online free and paid blogspot theme you can choose any one you likes.
Just remember to setup a responsive theme so that any kinds of readers mobile or iPod visitors easily can read your blog.

How to setup rss feed updates for your blog ?
You might have done eighty parents job done . Just few more things to go now you are ready to write explosive content for your blog as you have setup everything properly.
But before writing a killer article for your blog setup rss feed. What is this ?  This is called your blog link address provider . when any new article is posted in your blog  this article will be  email  automatically with link  so that if anyone register to rss feed to get regular updates , they can visit that post or blog from rss feed email . To deliver free article as email you have to tell them to sign up for rss feed . So rss feed is very helpful to blog for increasing permanent visitors to your blog. Why, because when any new article will be written by your blog that link will automatically email to rss feed subscriber so when they will check their email inbox they will receive your blog article as mail and they will directly visit to your blog . So they are called your permanent reader. But you must make sure your blog has been giving killer article which is helpful to the people unless no one will subscribe to rss feed.
There are many rss feed options free and paid you can choose FeedBurner it’s free and very easy to setup you can use this article to know how to setup feed burner in blogger.

How to write killer article which is searching most?

  • Okay you are very interested now for writing your first article . But do you know how many articles you have written there is no use if your blog article is not reached by Google search. So for writing a perfect article you must have few things to take note.

Article title must be attractive
Article written with proper SEO rules.
H1 and h2 tag proper placement inside post
Must have Images tags  in post while add any images.
Article length  500 to 600 words
Highlights keywords which is in title and common for search

How to Add social media to blog?
Okay you have done writing few articles and you are very interested now to share your blog article to social media. You know that now a days social media is most popular for all and we all have social media profile like Facebook.
Read this article how to add Facebook like your blog.
If you have done successfully all of the above you will see few days later so many reader and likes has been grown in your blog and you will have a perfect place to share your thoughts through blogging.
After thirty to forty article you can apply for AdSense if your blog have daily search at least one hundred.

How to apply for AdSense ?
If you think that you not only write post but also want to earn cash then your blog are ready to setup AdSense . What is AdSense it is called Google ads which will show up in your blog and people will buy products after see the ads so if any visitors visit your blog and buy something after reading your post and click on the ads you will get commission for that.
This is how you can place AdSense code to your blog and start earning. They will pay you when you reached at least 100 dollars every month to you by bank .
So what you can do is just click here and apply for it. You will need a blog and verify Google account only and after that follow the instructions and give your blog information and your personal address so that Google can contact you.

Final words
You have made a blog  successfully it’s not a blog it’s a brand which you have done. By This you may earn your living or you can continue it for entertainment purposes. I try my best to explain how to start Blogging without Any cost and earn if your blog has become popular in  online if you have proper knowledge of English and some basic understanding on html and css language and your passion is writing freely and you want to do blog for your living then you may choose blogging in your own hosting . I will write another article how to pro blogging for advanced level . Please leave your valuable comment , what do you think about free blogging  and share this article to your friends for helping them.

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