Are you looking for Best downloader than IDM ?

Few days ago i had given a post about Linux installation. If i am not wrong i must say everybody fear Linux OS.But if you are a Linux user as your 2nd OS or permanent what ever it is today i am gonna tell you about a downloader software. Which is the best high speed downloader than idm. For windows user yes still i must say IDM  is the best but at last i have found a best alternative for IDM. May be idm is the best but after one month using finish you are not allowed to use it more unless you buy the idm. So this is the key factor for the Linux user that they are getting this downloader absolutely free. Do you like to know its name ya its called “jdownloader Another best alternative download software for the PC user. So i hope you have installed Linux ubuntu OS in your computer and willing to get best downloader then follow me here below:

How to installed jdownloader in ubuntu


This is the best alternative for idm for the ubuntu user. I hope in your browser you have Mozilla FireFox installed. So first of all
1.Installed flashgot addonns and restart FireFox.

2.Now installed java runtime 6 environment software from applications/ ubuntu software centre
3.the user of ubuntu restricted extras no need to installed it, they have it as preinstalled.
4.Now after installed it you are gonna ready to installed jdownloader now

To install jdownloader for ubuntu 10.10/10.049.10 user just type after open Terminal:

Now you have done. Get started download just open from application/Internet
That’s it. Enjoy high speed download as IDM.

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