Best syntax highlighter plugin For wordpress theme That you should Use

Best syntax highlighter plugin For wordpress theme That you should Use

There are so many wordpress blog we have seen online, They are using learning code  on tutorial based post . In wordpress editor there is no default options to insert php or HTML code for display to the users. If you like to display some code on post to copy , what you have to do is to use third party code display plugin .

While browsing online for this term which is the best syntax highlighter plugin ? 

I have found quite numbers of plugin most of them not compatible with current wordpress version.

So I have done few research and download few syntax highlighter plugin and install one by one for testing purposes.

Most of the plugin was not working so well as I have been using latest version of WordPress.

After several plugin trying , I have found a plugin which is supported with Gutenberg editor and has been updated regularly.

So Today , I will show you , Best syntax highlighter plugin For wordpress theme That you should Use

Why  need to use syntax highlighter ?

Actually in tutorial based wordpress post we need to insert code for copy it . We should use nice and beautiful code snippet so that users feel free to copy it and use for his/ her own need .

In general just display php and HTML code in plain text look bit ugly and if it is not highlighted user readability problem can cause.

So In order to your post look nice and clean you should use code snippet with block.

For tutorial based posts in wordpress blog  longer  php or HTML code some times can look ugly and difficult to copy.

So therefore , to keep neat and clean article you must have used code block options to keep your code snippet highlights with code block box.

Best syntax highlighter plugin For wordpress theme That you should Use

Let’s talk about Best syntax highlighter plugin For wordpress theme That you should Use

Enlighter – Customizable Syntax Highlighter

is the best wordpress code snippet plugin which I have found so far.

Let’s find out the features of this plugin Source are taken from


  • Full Gutenberg Editor Integration
  • Full Classic Editor Integration (TinyMCE)
  • Support for all common used languages
  • Powerful generic highlighting engine for unknown languages
  • Theme Customizer including LIVE Preview Mode
  • Inline Syntax Highlighting
  • bbPress shortcode + markdown code blocks support
  • Advanced configuration options (CDN usage, ..) are available within the options page.
  • Supports code-groups (displays multiple code-blocks within a tab-pane)
  • Extensible language and theme engines – add your own one.
  • Simple CSS based themes
  • Integrated CSS file caching (suitable for high traffic sites)
  • Webfont Loader to add missing Monospace Fonts to your website
  • Full GPDR compliant – no external resources are required, no data will be aggregated


  • Full Editor Integration via “Enlighter Sourcecode” block
  • Automatic transformations for classic editor posts (codeblocks converted to Enlighter Sourcecode block)
  • Transform legacy codeblocks to Enlighter Gutenberg Blocks (manual transformation)
  • Docs and Usage
  • Editor plugin repository



  • Markdown fenced code blocks
  • Inline Syntax Highlighting via backtick code (including language specific addon)
  • Docs and Usage


Shortcodes are deprecated and should be used in text editor mode only – never use them within Gutenberg Editor or Classic Editor!

  • Easy to use Text-Editor mode through the use of Shortcodes and QuickTags
  • Shortcodes within content, comments and widgets
  • Standalone Shortcode-Processor to avoid wpautop filter issues in Text-Editor Mode


In case your language is not available try the Generic Mode which covers a lot of programming languages – or request a new language on GitHub

How to Install it on WordPress?

Go to WordPress dashboard and in plugin go to add new plugin

On the search box type it

Enlighter – Customizable Syntax Highlighter hit enter . The plugin is by Andi Dittrich. You can directly download the plugin if you know how to install from plugin upload section. 

Download link

After activation just keep the default options and hit save changes..

You can easily use this plugin now on WordPress editor . You can see  {/} this in wordpress editor top tool bar .

Where you want to add your custom code just take your mouse cursor there and click on {/}

You will see a dialogue box will appear paste your code here and hit ok. Your code has been inserted and it will be displayed on WordPress blog post .

After publication of your post you will see nice looking code snippet in your post.

Hopefully this article will help you . Still got problem to use this plugin ? No worries just go the support section of this plugin pages

Add your thoughts in below comments section . We will answer it as soon as possible.



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