Control Your Usb Drive For Safety


There are none who don’t like to be worried about computer safety. So we must think about it. Today i am talking about storage device which you can control yourself. How to control Usb drive for your safety? This thing i am gonna explain here. You know in our house there are a lot of member and each member has one account to log in our personal computer. So in that case if any one plug in flash drive or usb thamb drive for taking something from computer who knows may be he or she can also take your important personal document also.

So what can you do now? How to stop this? Yes if you apply some tricks on your computer you can control your storage device. How to control usb drive or storage device ? okay let me tell you now how you are gonna apply this to your pc.

If you want to protect your data from being stolen you can make your storage device right protected. That means you will disable Usb connection.

Control Your Usb Drive For Safety

So if you want to apply it just type this code on a Notepad:
To disable the access to USB port, in windows XP and 2000:
1. Click Start, and then click Run.
2. In the Open box, type regedit, and then click OK.
3. Locate, and then click the following registry key:
4. In the right pane, double-click Start.
5. In the Value data box, type 4, click Hexadecimal (if it is not already selected), and then click OK.
6. Quit Registry Editor.
7.Restart your pc to effect the recent changes.
To re-enable a disabled port:
1. Click Start, and then click Run.
2. In the Open box, type regedit, and then click OK.
3. Locate, and then click the following registry key:
4. In the right pane, double-click Start.
5. In the Value data box, type 3, click Hexadecimal (if it is not already selected), and then click OK.
6. Quit Registry Editor.
7.Restart your pc to effect the recent changes.

Lets say you want to use usb thumb drive for receiving data but don’t want to give any data into it then you can follow this:
Go to this site and download this software and install it.
After install this run it and click on USB write protection ON then from your pc nobody can take anything by copy but you can copy from Flash drive.
Enjoy your your computer with much more safety.

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