Do you Tracking your visitor everyday

I use tracemy ip .org.For tracking my websites.Its pretty much simple and very easy to use.
Why i like this sites to have in my webpage?
You may have seen  in my home page below tracemy ip  icon . Yes i install it to track how many visitor visit in my sites daily and from which place how many time and they visit  using which system
everything i can trace using this service,its a very good service to use.I am sure if you have it you would never feel give up this tracking service.Here I am giving full feature of it  below:

Tracemy ip Feature:


• Accurate Real-Time website visitors’ clicks statistics
• Hourly, daily, yearly & last 24-hour traffic statistics charts
• Search engine localization analysis & website traffic flow ratios
• Keywords visitors use to find your website(s)
• Date & time of each individual page view
• Visitors activity and visit frequency statistics
• Visitors’ geographical location information on country, state & city levels
• Visitors’ operating system, screen resolution, language usage, flash versions, cookie support, etc.
• Visitors’ browser name & version
• Individual visitor’s clicks and IP address statistics
• Unique individual & returning website visitor statistics
• External link analysis to see what links bring you most of the traffic
• Most popular pages on your website analysis with click counts for individual web page
• Primary entry and exit pages
I hope from today you also be  register with tracemy ip for tracking your visitor.The good news is that this service is free to use for 1 year.You can try it .

Many websites have live visitor counter but tracymy ip will give you 100% full statistics of your web sites or blog.

prioArena all the time ensure you to keep update with right way.Are you bookmark (ctrl+d) now?

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Author:faridul islam

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