Enable Print Mode Option In WordPress Blog

Print mode option will help you to read a blog article most easily and you can print the page just one click if you want to. The fact is most of wordpress blogger never use this feature to their blog. In real using this print mode facilities to the blog post will increase more visitors and reader.
I am not blogging in wordpress format , so i am not using this feature. But i hope very soon i will move to wordpress. Because blogging in wordpress.org is the real professional blogging experience.
This is the place where we can customize our blog theme as we want to. So lets see how to enable print mode option in wordpress?

Why You will add this print mode in wordpress blog post?

You know wordpress is the most popular cms platform. A lots of content and data can be arrange with this platform very easily. The person who are using their own hosting if want to add print option to the article can add the print mode view . You know that if you love the post and like to print the particular article You have to go to File>print this way you cant print just the post only but whole webpage with a lot of advertisement and header, footer and sidebar also printed. So to avoid such kind of situation while printing, you can apply print mode option to your blog.
So you can view only the original article and can print it.

Enable Print Mode Option In WordPress Blog

So first of all, go to pages>Add new page and give the title as your domain name and /read such as
(, www. your Domian.com/read)| save the page.

Now open .htaccess file ad this code below:

RewriteRule ^read/([0-9]+)/?$ /read/?u=$1 [QSA,L]

Now Download page.read.zip file from http://db.tt/mQLlUNTu  and upload it after unzip to theme
folder of your blog.
Now where you want to keep the print link option in your post just add the code below code:

<a href="/read/<?php the_ID(); ?>/">Print Mode</a>

From now if you like to print just click on the print mode and It will show you the post without header,footer and sidebarYou can print only the original text 
That's it

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