Fix Database not Showing posts WordPress DB

Fix Database not Showing posts WordPress DB

I have moved new Bluehost hosting recently. If i am not wrong moving website hosting to another host  is always a great mess if you would not properly handle your database, it can be serious lost too. After moved to new host i also have faced this problem. I have an addon sites to my primary domain is called which gave me problem while i transfer my database files to new host. The db was nothing wrong in it and every time i successfully imported my Database to my New hosting db but no luck there is no posts except Hello world. I had tried repair db, manually download db from cpanel, i used plugin to download , i restart my old hosting server again and see whether site can load or not in old hosting with all post? But as matter of fact site was loading fine with all posts. I was shocked. I contact with Bluehost support team and asked them to import db for me. They have tried and same results. Bluehost support team had told me to contact My old hosting company and asked them to give me full backup copy of database. Bluehost support team also failed to restore my old posts . By the by i would like to say there are 901 posts which was missing. At last i have found How to

Fix Database not Showing posts WordPress DB

Database not displaying post
Database not displaying post

Normally when we like to move our sites to new hosting what we do is create a new db to our new host then import our old db here and edit wp-config.php as our new db name username and password.
I had followed all those steps properly and every time when install wordpress from after  successfully login and found only one post.
There is nothing wrong with my Mysql db files. Then why only one post only showing?
I could not able to find out exact reason. Then i have found an article
How many ways wordpress mysql db files can be damaged,corrupted, broken i read it and get lots of help from this article.
The reasons of missing posts can be – given below with lists :
[code]Third party plugins auto deleted content or broke file paths
Permalinks were improperly set up
Your .htaccess file has errors in it
Your database credentials aren’t correctly entered in your wp-config.php file
Your server crashed
There was a server hardware failure
A bug such as in MySQL, the version of PHP you’re using or your plugins and themes
There was a server interruption such as your PHP memory limit being reached[/code]
By reading all those terms i was thinking it might be my old hosting company some hardware issues or version of php or my new hosting improper config files.
i revise all those steps and finally decide to contact with hosting team but lastly i used another method to restores my old wordpress posts which is using wordpress tools.
lets find out HOW TO

Fix Database not Showing posts WordPress DB

At first i login to my old hosting company sites after changing the nameserver from my Namecheap account
and login to my sites admin dashboard and find wordpress tools >export/import (its a wordpress importer plugin )
here you can use this tools to export your wordpress files like posts,pages,form etc as xml format after export it you can import to your new hosting company server after installing wordpress using this tools by following same method.
i followed that and voila i get back my 901 posts again….

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