How To Use Webmail With Gmail in WordPress

webmail from Gmail WordPress:

How to use webmail from Gmail WordPress:

Using paid hosting for website or blog has many advantages. One of the great advantages for using paid hosting is email setup . Which is using webmail from gmail in wordpress.You can use hosting company spaces for using email services for the website or blog. All kinds of service like sending mail to others or receiving mail from others and buying any products or applying for online air Ticket etc email is needed. So you have to have an online email application whether you are doing free blogging or pro blogging. As we are talking about which needs paid hosting to start with website or blog ,also need to setup email application.
In online there are three popular email application service which are Gmail,yahoo,Hotmail or livemail etc are the most common services and here gmail is the highly usage apps. So it will be great if we can use webmail from gmail.
On the other hand there are few paid email service facilities also are available like mailget,webmail,sendloop etc
But as we can see google has given many free services and gmail is one of them which is very popular to all . Of cousre its highly recommended that to use google services you must need to use gmail application to apply. Today i would like to discuss about How to use webmail with your personal Gmail account for wordpress blog or website so that you no need to login to your webmail while checking your wordpress mail notification or sending any mail to client or others. Firstly, lets talk about webmail.

How to use webmail With Gmail in WordPress ?


What is webmail:

A webmail application is paid email application service which every hosting providers provide with webhosting package as free space up to 500mb in some cases unlimited spaces facilities to used with website for performing email activities to connecting with Business purposes to all. So to handle all kinds of email every website can used their own identification as webmail can integrate with domain. for example this blog has webmail application called here admin is the domain owner name and after that is the domain name which is more professional and is integrated with website owner and website. So most of the websites would like to use webmial service according to their choices or like. such as to make sales webmail can use as, or to provide information from the web can use like So it can be said that webmail has given an unique brand name to the website or blog. Its webmasters preference how they will use this tools on the website. By the by you not only can use webmail but also free gmail account to your website but webmail is much more professional than using free account like gmail apps.

How To Use webmail With Gmail in WordPress ?

How to use <span class='hiddenSpellError wpgc-spelling' style='background: inherit;'><span class='hiddenSpellError wpgc-spelling' style='background: inherit;'><span class='hiddenSpellError wpgc-spelling' style='background: inherit;'><span class='hiddenSpellError wpgc-spelling' style='background: inherit;'>webmail</span></span></span></span> from Gmail WordPress

How to open webmail account:

Every hosting company has given free webmail access and you can open your webmail after login to the hosting provider control panel . All hosting company webmail setup might be same but if you not sure how to open your webmail account you can contact to your hosting company to help you to setup.
Today i like to show you do you use webmail with gmail so that every time you no need to login webmail to check mail status. After integration has completed you can send or receive email if you like to from gmail too. So lets start , i hope you have gmail and webmail account both.
My personal gmail account is and my Hosting provider bluehost webmail account is I will integrate my personal gmail account with So lets begin.

How To Use webmail With Gmail in WordPress

To Start it First of all Login to gmail account after login you will see settings icon at the top of your gmail account after login pages.
click on this settings tab.Now click on account and import tab. you can import mail from Yahoo!, Hotmail, AOL, or other webmail or POP3 accounts.
now add your webmail username email and password.

How To Use webmail With Gmail in WordPress ?

Here you have to type your pop3 mail account details with password. if you are using bluehost port for ssl is 465 and non ssl is 25 please take note that every hosting company is not using same port. TO Know your port number contact to your hosting company.
After successfully add account you can receive your webmail email notification from your own Gmail.

If you still confused or still unable to carry out this features for neurontin overdose your blog or website feel free to leave a comment or email us , we will help you to set up .

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