How people are using Internet its past present and future details

How people are using Internet its past present and future details, Guys now its 2012. If i am not wrong its going to be finish soon also. 2013 is knocking our door.  Already we have passed  many years and Internet has gone beyond our expectation. What is Internet and how to use Internet most effectively on this topic long time ago i did a post.

How people are using Internet its past present and future details

Now its time to re post with some new and advanced thoughts that Internet has given to us. Far from any media this is the only one media where people can exchange news from thousands of mile away to another thousands of mile places with just one seconds mouse click. Internet is giving us many benefits and still be giving  its useful materials,  few days ago  Internet was limited with few countries but now most all over the world connected with Internet. check this link to know the statistics of usage Internet by the global people.

Reason for using computer is many on the other hand Internet cant go alone without PC. From expertise to novice most of the Internet users get help from computer and get more help by the use of Internet connection into the respective PC. You know very well about how the rise of Internet begin and from which countries it was start first. Now let me tell you something about more, is it possible for us now to survive one single day without Internet? If the answer is no then lets find out what is the logical reason behind on it and how to know the real condition of Internet users. According to my basic knowledge and what most of the people thinking that Internet only used for getting information via online and using email facilities. Even though Internet is not keep itself in these two subject at all but majority of the worlds people have such kind of idea about Internet. Now let me tell you what are the others that should be included in Internet and what are the missing point? Long time ago i was given a link for learning to you about Internet more lets go to that link again.

 Do you have found any revised and update news? If yes? Then answer me why? The answer is very easy because the world is updating day by day and technology cant be stay steady. Its changing and it will change even after next hounded years. So what i like to tell you? Current tools or products that you are seeing on Internet how many of you are very familiar with that? Even though not much but if i asked you do you know about Google?  Definitely you will answer yes. Its a search engine machine. In real Google never stop himself only giving search engine facilities to the online users. It has many others program and products that most of us never like to know. Same as bing and yahoo. Now the most important fact is how do you find out the person who are productive Internet users and they never spent time on it for only entertainment? The statistics can be find very easily. And we have to think about it. From gramophone record  to present blue ray disk its not changing for few days only but for a long time. We have iPhone 5 now. But dont you think  it never took time to reached at this stage of iPhone 5? The web can translate any language to English. People can easily talk freely using skype fring or google talk. has given true communication network. Youtube. Com is the largest free video blog sites. Some more,  thousands of software can be download freely from Internet. has played very important role for the benefit of windows community. On the other hand protecting thousands of PC people are downloading vast number of antivirus from Internet. Internet is giving online shopping facilities. Pay bank transaction using online banking. Video conference is the option for business magnet and university students and vast of outsourcing members. So online community for products selling and buying is done by E commerce sites like ebay and Cloud computing another big boost for the help of Internet. Many companies have come up with their website for quick access and online identity. There is none who don’t have online website for the govt or non govt organization. Even blog for individual users has given to the world wide web another platform of blogging  informatics technology. For Internet a normal citizen to govt employer all are getting helped.

You can hardly find a boy who don’t know about now. Social networking sites is another big rise and development for the world people. But even all these thing are good for men , unlikely bad are staying with Internet too. Child pornography. Nude film and  distributing virus, website hacking etc all are these demerits of it. In modern time we have to know now more accurately about Internet terms and benefit factors which people are taking and some others benefit that people are neglecting. First of all we have to educate about Internet system and how more people can connect with it and how more people can earn money from it. If we can find out about it surely Internet will not remain for us as a medium of entertainment only but for multipurpose thing.

Thanks for reading.

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