Lost windows Password ? Here is solution

Lost windows password? feeling very stress? Don’t be so worry. Even if you forget or lost windows password, still you can log in windows. You can be surprised? Is it possible to log in windows even I lost windows Administrator password?
Tech geeks have a lot of folks on this mater and there are few options laid behind this to break the windows log . You can easily log in windows after lost windows password. Now lost windows password is not big deal to the tech geeks at all. But what if you are new to windows and for a new windows users its a nightmare? Isn’t it?

Lost windows Password ? Here is solution

The facts about lost windows password?
The reason of lost windows password or forget its log in password can be many. For new and beginners it is because of not using easy to remember password. You never create any password reset disk after setup windows.Or there may be hardware faulty such as keyboard is not working or caps lock was on. and some time it was very hard to remember long password with numeric key.  The matter of windows lost password is same and its not making any different which version of OS now you are using. So the process of breaking admin password for all OS can be same and don’t be so upset after forget so. Lets find out how to log in after lost windows password?

Start up windows and Get the Password:

Here i am giving you the solution to recover your lost windows password using windows 7 home premium. From this tutorial you will learn How to recover windows 7 admin password easily. To continue this process you will be need windows 7 setup DVD/CD . I hope you can collect this DVD or if you already have this setup disk then lets see How to get lost windows password?

First of all Insert windows 7 setup DVD/ CD to your DVD slot. And restart your windows.
While starting to boot press any key and select this below item as shown in picture: Select Repair your computer before installing windows.

2.Now you will get this windows as shown below and click on command prompt:

3.After open Command Prompt write down the below line and press Enter
copy c:windowssystem32sethc.exe c:
)(Here c is the Drive letter Location where windows is setup. If you setup windows in other drive type that name. But c is the default Location to set up windows)
4.After press Enter you will get a message that confirm you about Copied completed. Then Enter this below line  (copy c:windowssystem32cmd.exe c:windowssystem32sethc.exe) After press Enter it will asked to you get permission just type yes and press Enter. After finish this Restart your Computer.

5.After Restart while it will asking you to type password then press shift key 5 time and Command prompt will be open again.

6.Now write down in the Command Prompt net user geek MyNewPassword( Remember that here geek is my username so in the place of geek type your username and MyNewPassword is your new password. So write down your new password at the place of MyNewPassword

Now Closed your Command prompt and Log in windows with your new password.
that’s it.
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