How To Change Log in Password In WordPress After Password Hack Or Forget ?

Most popular CMS blogging platform is called But most of the time its log in password is being hacked by the cyber hacker or you might have forgotten its log in password.
So after password being hacked or forgotten , How to use wordpress ? How to log in wordpress dashboard for managing post or update new post?

How To Change Log in Password In WordPress After Password Hack Or Forget ?

Don’t be sad, Still you can change wordpress log in password after forget it or it is hacked by someone.
How to do this ? Very easy. You have to go to wordpress blog hosting cpanel database.
You know wordpress hosting admin log in is  not same with wordpress blog dashboard log in or wordpress blog log in. So go to cpanel database . Then go to database admin from there go to database table and find wp-user Now open wp-user
See the picture below:

Here you need to click on edit option from  the admin or whose password you need to change s’ that box see the picture below:

Now after the new  pages  has shown to you , from there user_pass ‘s function’s drop down menu select MD5 Now give new password to its in front box that’s it now click on the go as picture shown below:

 You have successfully changed admin password without log in wordpress dashboard or after forget your log in password or password hack. 
click on the image for larger view.

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