How To Know Who Remove Me On Facebook?

How To Know Who Remove Me on Facebook? Is there any easy method to know this ? Long time ago I wrote about it . That options to know who remove or ignore somebody on facebook is no longer available now.
Due to few terms breaking reasons Unfriend finder plugins no longer working. So if you currently like to know who has removed you from facebook friends list then you might have done a lot of searches on and finally never finds any suitable and easy method.

How To Know Who Remove Me On Facebook?

Actually, To know who deleted you on facebook or removed you from facebook is very easy to know. In this option you might have find some of the URL link rather than any plugins or software. Like this picture below:

So even at the top of the search results you have seen an application for this option but this apps is not so useful to know who removed you on facebook. After install or allow his apps to your facebook app page it will ask you to enter the email adress where you use facebook at the account opening time. But do you like to check every time in your email inbox to see who has removed you on facebook ? I suppose you will not feel very comfortable to do that. So what is the best method then? Yes the best method to know who has removed or deleted you on facebook is just use this link: Then it will asked you to give permission to enter your facebook Friends list just click yes. You are done. bookmarked this URL at press ctrl+D

Then log in this URL using facebook username and password . After log in you will see two blank inbox. Well, after first registration you will see no records. You will know the list after allow this tracking URL Who will deleted you from facebook . For know more how to check who remove me on facebook you can read the FAQ too.  check the image below:

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