How to visit wap site on pc

Hi guys, i hope everything is going well. You know now a days mobile Internet is becoming much more popular than desktop. And there fore we have seen a lot of mobile compatible wap sites are increasing. What if we like to visit these wap site from our windows? Is it possible to visit wap site on windows.
Yes there are two possible ways to do that. And today i am going to show you

How to visit wap site on pc

Method 1. Using Mozilla FireFox: If you are using Mozilla FireFox browser then its pretty easily you can visit wap site too. To visit wap site you have to  Download the WMLBrowser plugin from: After install it restart your browser and visit wap site freely. Enjoy wap site on pc.
Method 2.
I hope this is is the best way to visit wap site on pc. For visit wap site on your computer you have to installed winwap freeware software to your pc. Its a free software and it can be used any versions of windows. After installed it you can browse any wap site and for the first time you have to register to it and its absolutely free. You need to give your valid email address only. Now enjoy wap site on your own pc. Download link:winwap

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