How to learn WordPress Easily without Mentor?

How to learn WordPress Easily without Mentor ?

Learning wordpress is fun. But if you asked me How to learn wordpress easily without any mentor ? Yes I can bet you if you have strong determination and learning attitude still it is possible to learn wordpress from yourself .

Today, I will discuss How to learn wordpress easily without any mentor.

Learn wordpress easily without mentor

How to learn WordPress Easily without Mentor

For learning wordpress this is the best place . You don’t have to look for anyone for teaching you wordpress. Just browse this website and learn from it. This is the wordpress developer sites where coding and analysis of codes are given . What you have to do is to hook into this site regularly and practice.



This is another website where you can learn wordpress without any tutor. This site has many articles for begginer to advanced . So it will be your best websites to learn wordpress without any person’s help at all. Bookmark it and study wordpress blog from here . You are ready to become an expert soon.


Install xampp

You have to install xampp software to learn wordpress more accurately. Because you know that wordpress site rely on theme and php , my SQL , So for building wordpress theme or plugin you have to use local pc . You can not use only php or my SQL separately to learn wordpress theme customisation unless you install all these . Xampp software will give you all these software in one package so after installing it you can run PHP, my SQL together. Which will help you to create wordpress theme or plugin in local environment in your own pc. So if really prefer to become an wordpress developer then you have to use xampp software for testing purposes. Actually when you become an expert you no need to use xampp software you can configure php , my SQL separately in Windows or Mac what ever device you have.


I have already said you don’t have to look for WordPress mentor phisicallly, as you have access to learn from Lynda. It is a tutorial based website after become members you can access it’s premium membership area  and learn from watching videos. It has 10  days trail membership options which you can sign up and get access to all premium courses. This site has not only wordpress tutorial but also other programming languages. So feel free to visit and learn yourself.



If I am not wrong , in online this is the best htlm , CSS JavaScript , PHP learning website for begginers. What is the most priority on this website is live examples of all codes and simple analysis . You can get plenty of codes explanation and practice codes. For learning coding this is the best self learning website in online.


As you have known this  site has similar opportunities to the online learners who wants to become expert in programming language . You have to buy premium membership , after becoming members , you have the opportunity to access to all the wordpress learning tutorial and course. They also teach other languages like laravel, PHP , CSS , JavaScript etc.



In online there is a plenty of resources and information for those who want to search and learn. On the other hand , those are using online for browsing movie or downloading music , or surfing on Facebook , Twitter etc learning programming language is not for them. It is a place of entertainment and also place of gathering knowledge. It depends on you how you will use internet for your own .

So guys hopefully this article will help you to learn wordpress , and lastly our website also has given few posts on WordPress feel free to read them and for having future posts subscribe to our website.





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