How to Lock or Unlock PC Using PenDrive?

Everybody lock a PC by password. But if that password being hacked and used by others then your PC can be access very easily. What if you lock or unlock your pc using pendrive? You should have a pendrive for yourself, doing papers work right? You can use alternative way to lock or unlock your pc. So that’s for sure it can be your own pendrive.
You can lock or unlock your pc using pendrive. Its seems pretty much detective style. When you like to on your PC , by that time inserting pendrive will on your pc or if not insert, it will not be on. So if anybody like to access your computer without your pendrive, it will show access denied. So for those who are teachers, office workers, students are using portable PC can use this method to gear up personal security more high then using only windows password. So lets take a look,

How to Lock or Unlock PC Using PenDrive

First step:
You should download predator software. Don’t worry its a free version.
Second step:
Run predator software. After run this software, insert your pendrive into usb port. Your pendrive ‘s data will not effected, so insert the pendrive without any worried. When you will insert your pendrive, A dialogue box will pop up , here you have to set password. click OK
Third step:
Now go to preference and set here a new password at new password section. When you lost your pendrive then you can unlock your PC using this password. At last go to flash drive option and select your drive letter and click create key.

Fourth step:
After clicking on create key, predator will stopped. You can restart it from task bar icon. It will become green after few seconds. That means your predator now active. Every 30 seconds it will check whether pendrive is connected to your pc or not. If not inserted it will lock your PC.
So for this reason you can pause predator for monitoring too. Just click on pause monitoring. When anybody want to unlock your pc without pendrive , you can view its log too at predator log section.

So guys for strengthening security of your PC this tiny software is a bless, just try it and hopefully you wont miss it. You can be more secure then before and play safe with your computer.

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