How to Reset Windows 7 log in passwords very Easily

Ohh what a terrible moment it is for you  now- why ? Because you  forget windows log in passwords. You forget windows passwords to log in windows. Passwords passwords passwords…. Something you are need to remember with as one of your main option for log in windows. I have to say passwords are very essential for protecting on documents, online shopping, bank etc . We have a lot of places to provide passwords. we can set our website with username and log in passwords and also can store our valuable passwords using third party software like keepassThis are helping us to manage our passwords. So when we cant access to the main machine like windows then all our stuffs are untouchable from that particular windows file. That means we cant access to the system and run the system.
So when you cant access your system for forgetting passwords then its very terrible moment for you. Because you need to install new OS again and all your data gonna be lost.

Don’t worry even you forget your passwords today i am gonna share you how to access system or reset windows pw even you lost your log in passwords. I have seen a lot of writer write a post about it but all are seem to me pretty tough to understand and not so easy if you are not a expert user. But here i m gonna share a easy step to reset windows password windows 7 . So lets see

How to Reset Windows 7 log in passwords very Easily

To Do it you need a windows 7 password rest disk. If you don’t have created it. How to create it follow the step below:
1.Download this software windows password recovery tool .
2.install it.
3.Now you can create a passwords reset disk or usb flash player.
4.How to create a bootable disk here : just follow as given here
5.Choose windows password recovery tool 3.0 image file
6.Choose your cd/dvd/usb drive
7.Click”burn”to create bootable disk
Okay to understand well see the image below properly:

8.Now you  have your windows password reset disk or usb drive. Now the next step is to change the bios settings of your PC To change it press f2 or Del when windows initializing. here you need to change the boot options. You choose as your fisrt boot with cd/dvd or usb drive just now what you have created. then press f10 and restart pc after that insert the cd /dvd or usb and it will automatically boot with windows password recovery tool .

9.Choose windows 7 installation if you have more than 1 OS.
You can see the all users name list
10.Select the user name which you forget its passwords. click reset button. A dialog box will appear next.
11.Click yes to confirm reset.

Now the admin or user passwords will be empty
12.Eject the disk and Restart PC. You can see windows start but never ask for passwords.
That’s it.

For the trial version of the software, there is a limitations that you can not make dvd or usb to bootable. If you need it then please buy the full versions.

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