How to root your android phone with superoneclick?

To make root access of your android mobile you have to download and install superoneclick first. Go here to download. Make sure you are on windows PC. To run this tool you have to have Microsoft net framework 2.0 or higher.
Now you need to go to your phone settings make sure usb debugging is checked. To do that go to Settings > Applications > Development > USB Debugging.Do not mount your sd card.

How to root your android phone with superoneclick?

Connect your phone with usb cable then open superoneclick
You will see the screen on top first tab have root. Just click one it. You will be rooted within a few minutes. After successfully rooted a confirmation dialogue box will show that your devise is rooted now. If it so then you will see superuser icon has appear on your phone.
That’s all. For more clear checked this video below:

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.2

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