How To Send Any Files From WhatsAppTo any Android Mobile?

How To Send Any Files From whatsApp To any Android Mobile?


Since 2013 I stopped blogging regularly. It was very frustrating and sad for me that nothing can allow me to concentrate on it.
Now very seldom I have given updated Article. It’s a shocking factor for my regular blog visitors. But believe me I am trying very hard to come back and contribute for Blogging.

How to send any files using whatsApp from mobile to any Android phone?


Yesterday I talked something about blogging tips with my Younger brother. He had some talent but unable to utilize that for not Getting any support. I told him if you have strong determination and Zest of blogging I can send you my short eBook about blogging. For that Reason I was going to use what’s app to send the book from y android mobile. But I faced some Problem. Do you know that viber, what’s app etc. only can use for Transferring image , video and audio files but no docs or PDF files.

How to send any files using what’s app from mobile to any Android phone?

So I was having big trouble. I need to send my PDF eBook to him. Moreover I had no other option but only using what’s app or viber because my Younger brother’s has no email. And he never use pc. So What I was looking is to transfer my PDF files from my Android mobile to Another Android mobile with whatsApp. He is using Samsung galaxy neo. So I was thinking I upload it to media fire and then give him the Download link. It’s a time wasting and you know media fire can’t be use from mobile. So I was searching on Google How to send any files using what’s app from mobile to any Android phone? Luckily I have found a very good option which I am gonna share with you.
Yes you can send any files from Android mobile to any devices just using whatsApp. But how? Here is the tricks given below

How to send any files using what’s app from mobile to any Android phone?

First of all, To send any files from whatsApp you have to have installed three apps on your mobile.
 1. Dropbox
 2. Cloud send
3. Esfile explorer

 I hope you have all of those apps to your devices. For me I assume that you don’t have any. Here is how you will installed. First you need to Installed dropbox then cloudsend then es file manager. So if you don’t have any of these Installed then before installed cloud send you must installed dropbox. For dropbox if you have account then just sign in with your existing sign in email name or if you don’t have just sign up For first time. Then proceed to Installed cloudsend after download and installed cloudsend open this app. When you setup cloudsend it will use dropbox, for first time authorization click accept Button when cloud send will check that you have dropbox installed and it wants to create a folder inside dropbox for storing any files via Cloudsend share method.

Okay. I hope you have done that too correctly. Now go to es file explorer and finds your PDF file select it and chose share by cloudsend. Now cloudsend will upload it to dropbox. And will create a link. It will take times to upload finish, if you are using high speed internet then it can be finish faster. Its depends on your files size and net speed. After upload done it will create a link. Here is the key. You can use this link to share with whatsApp. Now send this link with whatsApp contact list whom you are wishing to send the files. . From there your whatsApp friends can get the link and can download the file to his mobile. Here is how you can share any kinds of file using whatsApp. It’s a very easy. Enjoy. Thanks for reading

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