How To Install WordPress in Local Pc With Xampp Most Easily

Guys, You may know about wordpress. Its a CMS. Content Management System. It can handle thousands of Content or Data without any disruption. So for E commerce business or any online blogger to use their lots of data on online with dynamic way wordpress can be very handy tool.
For learning this tool now become very essential to us. There is a huge job scope available in this area. Only learning wordpress an expert person can earn thousands of dollars per month. We can learn it using our own PC . To install wordpress we need xampp software.
Here i am gonna show you all the details below: Here is the details How To install wordpress in local pc and practice it in home.

How To Install WordPress in Local Pc With Xampp Most Easily

 First of all
Download xampp from here.
 After Download completed run it. You can see the following Dialogue box:

First of all click next

then click next again
Then select folder as shown below click next Then you can see its installation process begins

After install completed you can see the dialogue box below :

If You want to run the control panel click yes and it will ask you to start Apache and MySQL. You have to click start and this two is must for running  localhost.
okay. we are gonna come near to install wordpress now.
Go to your browser and type:localhost and press enter.
A window will appear as below:

Now  click on English and it will give a another window like this below:

  So click on phpmyadmin. Another new dialogue box will appear.

Now we have to create a Database for installing WordPress.
click new fro creating new database.

 Give a name. We give our database name as”wp'” then click create and close the window. Databases Will be create Successfully.

Now Download latest Version of WordPress.
In order to install wordpress we have to unzip it to C:/Program Files/XAMPP/htdocs.
To keep all the unzip files we create a folder name”wp” and keep all wordpress files in it. Remember that our Database name and wordpress unzip files folder name must be same. So thats why we unzip it into “C:/Program Files/XAMPP/htdocs/wp” Now go to wp-config-sample.php files. Remane it as “wp-config.php” For edit this files We can use any text editor. we use here notepad++ Don’t type anything in password here. We leave it blank as like this””. See the picture for more details.

 Replace “database_name_here” with the name of your database, which in my case is “WP.”

 Replace “username_here” with “root” and leave “password_here” blank. Save the file and close it.

Now we can get on with installing WordPress. Open your browser and go to http://localhost/wp/ You should see the welcome screen for the famous five minute WordPress installation process. and edit this files as picture Sown below:

Enter your details and click “Install WordPress.” Your WordPress installation is now complete!

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