How To Set Up Internet Connection Manually Using Bluetooth Handset As a Modem For GP , Aktel, Teletalk

There are a lots of  guys are in Bangladesh don’t understand how to set up internet connection using bluetooth handset for gp, aktel and other sim operators which are giving internet browsing facilities through Edge or Gprs. Here i am gonna show you manually how to set up bluetooth to a pc for setting up a modem and get connected with internet.
Here by this tutorial you will be able to connect internet by your bluetooth handset and there is no need to require to install any third party software. So guys here we go :
First of all you need three things:

  • 1.A handset which have bluetooth and this can be Gprs or Endge supported
  • 2.Connection with Internet from mobile phone
  • 3.Bluetooth Usb Dongle (if your laptop or desktop don’t have bluetooth installed as default)

So guys i hope all those 3 things you have then there is no problem to get connected with internet using your mobile phone. Here you will use your mobile handset as a modem.
I am going to give example here with Nokia 6020 handset: Lets get started: For bluetooth connections everything is same just you need to connect your phone using bluetooth instead of infrared. I cant show you this because Nokia 6020 don’t have bluetooth facilities. But the method is same as infrared. For aktel and teletalk user you have to change the code with “aktelinternet” and teletalk is “teletalkinternet” At the Extra initialization command dialogue box .  And ISP Name would be for Aktel and Teletalk instead of Grameen Phone if you are not using gp.Other thing should be same. No need any change.

How to set up dial up connection using bluetooth from mobile for Gp Internet

Connecting to the Internet from Your PC/Laptop using a EDGE/GPRS-enabled

The following settings are for Nokia 6020 handset. .
Step 1: Install your Handset as a dial-up modem
   First of all ,
 Open infrared or bluetooth for your mobile phone, for Nokia 6020 you have to enable infrared,

Connect your handset with pc using infrared:
A window will appear after connecting your Handset with PC.

Click Next by selecting “No, not this time” (3rd option).

Go ahead by clicking Next on this window

Click Continue Anyway button on this window.

Click Finish to complete setup your Handset as a modem.
Open Control Panel, click on “Phone and Modem Options” icon

Select Modem tab from the window & then select Nokia 6020 IrDA and click

Type AT+CGDCONT=,,”gpinternet” as above and click “OK”.
Step2: Making Dial up Connection
Go to Control Panel. Double click on Network Connections.

Click on Create a new connection.

Click Next

Click Next

Select setup my connection manually tabs & then clicks Next.

Click Next

Type Grameenphone as ISP name

Type *99***1# as Phone number.

Select Anyone’s use and click Next.

Leave this window as it is and click Next.

Click Finish.
Go to Control Panel and Network Connection again
You will see a dial-up connection for Grameenphone.

Select and right click on Grameenphone. Then go to its Properties.

Select Modem-Nokia 6020 IrDA and click OK.

Go to Control Panel and Network Connections, Double click on Grameenphone and
Click Dial.
After a few seconds, you are connected to EDGE Internet.

Update Code : You have to write this code on Modem>Properties>Advanced>Extra initialization Dialogue Box: For  Grameenphone:AT+CGDCONT=1,”IP”,”gpinternet”
Aktel:AT+CGDCONT=1,”IP”,”aktelinternet” For Teletalk:AT+CGDCONT=1,”IP”,”teletalkinternet”

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