How To Setup Custom Domain With Blogger Hosting In Namecheap With Redirection Solving

How To Setup Custom Domain With Blogger Hosting In Name cheap With Redirection Solving

Hi , Hope everybody is fine. Just few days ago i bought a custom domain from Namecheap exclusive offer with just .88 cents . So i was thinking it would be great to test this domain to test Seo and having some organic visitors from google . so i moved to to my new custom domain But here is the problem after moving to custom naked domain i have to face redirection error in google search and webmaster tools. So i should changes some settings in my domain provider

How To Setup Custom Domain With Blogger Hosting In Namecheap With Redirection Solving

Today i am gonna show you How to update the dns records from blogger hosting to new custom domain . First of all, go to your blogspot domain name. for example for my site it was and login to settings . Here after login you can see your blogspot domain name. From here you can see Your blog address and below showing setup a thrid party url for your blog Click on this and add your custom domain with www. Make sure your custom domain would be like Don’t forget to put www. other wise it will show error. Then click save .
After save you will see two CNAME record. see the picture below.

You have to update your nammecheap custom domain dns information now.
Go to your Namecheap dashboard select the custom domain which you want to update by clicking manage button.
okay Click on Advanced dns tab and find Host records section > click on Add New Record button
Here you will need to create three records for your domain: –
URL Redirect for @ to forward to www.yourdomain.tld –
CNAME for www mapped to –
CNAME with values provided in the Blogger account
See the picture below

after input CNAME record click save.
If all goes well you need to save your blogger settings and hopefully there will be no errors message. If there is error message showing then you have to wait one or two hour to make the settings effective. Now your url blog will be redirected to new custom domain. Wait, You have to solve the redirection issue. Go to setting basic blog address then give tick mark on the redirection box and hit save.
see the picture .

You are all set now.

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