How To start Blogging From scratch As professional?

How To start Blogging From scratch As professional- Guide For Novice


Blogging as a professional means that someone makes their living by blogging. How much it should be having  needsomeone enthusiastic to be a professional blogger? I wrote about how should you start blogging with zero knowledge now today I am going write about what do you need to be a professional blogger as the starting point in a handicap for a competitor receiving no odds. First of all I want to say that Every jobs when anyone starts , He or she have to be made themselves devoted with that and accommodate by. There is a lot work to do in offline job. There is many job available offline . On the other hand, There are some differences between online and offline job. Online job is not so easy task as it seems to everyone. You can work from your home or remote your location rather than staying an inelastic location daily.


How does a professional Blogger Monetize Their Blog?

A professional Blogger monetize their blog through ads, affiliate Marketing, or some other paid offering. When do you think you are blogging professionally? While, You start earning money by blogging then it will be seemed to you that you are a professional.
However, Today I want to share You Five Best strategy you need to take steps to blogging professionally.

Remember that not everyone can do everything and not everyone can know everything. The work that you feel satisfied and comfortable doing is right for you. If you feel good about writing tasks then blogging would be a great choose to you. There is two types of blogger.
1. Professional Blogger.
2. A hobby blogger.

I wrote above what does it mean by a professional blogger.  Actually, blogging is not an ineffectual as a hobby. If you do blogging as a hobby then you should not have to leave your personal job permanently. If you train yourself as one skilled person then it will be wonderful grown up. Putting yourself in front of a laptop everyday is one of the best aspect. There is some differences between a professional blogger and hobby blogger. But from my point of view if you want to do blogging then professional blogging will be the best option for you. Although, There is main goal for everyone is earn money by their own blog.

Tips For New Bloggers Starting From Base-

Take Your Time to listen to Your Heart:

Go with your topic and dig your inner speech. If you think blogging is not coming from your mind then it will be tough to make suitable for you. Choose a niche which makes you interest. And then choose your Domain name and lastly buy a domain and hosting from good domain hosting provider. I will recommend you these two- Blueshost, Namcheap.

Monetizing Your Blog Through Ads:
In this 2019 it will not be so tough for you if you monetize your blog through ads revenue. With CPC and CPM ads is one of the best way to earn money by your blog just placing ads on your site. Even You can providing Self private ads on your site. Example: You can sell your products. You advertise your products with your site. There are many advertising placement service on internat. You can Use- Google Adsense, ShareAsale, Adbuff, Bidvertiser, Popads etc.

Afilliate Marketing:
Affiliate marketing is One of the best way to earn money from a blog doing nothing. You don’t have to deal with any advertising providers like google adsense, Adbuff.. because when you earn your money advertiser will take half of them. But affiliate program is different from advertise provider. According to Oxford Dictionary affiliate marketing is-
a marketing arrangement by which an online retailer pays commission to an external website for traffic or sales generated from its referrals.

Affiliate marketing is that which an affiliate earns a commission for marketing another person’s or company’s products. This is the best way to earn money By blogging.

Paid Blogging:
Paid Blogging is one kind of work when You hired by someone to write on their blog. If You enjoy writing then you can be a paid blogger. You can earn by paid blogging.


Okay, Guys I think  I could make you understand How you can start a professional Blog and got ideas.

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