How to transfer Full WordPress blog To new Hosting server with zero Down time Most Easily?

Guys i am sure that you will not be happy if you have to change your hosting server, when you are running a very popular blog. It will kill your visitors if transferring process would take long time & you have to do extra hard work for doing blog transferring process. Do you have enough knowledge about wordpress? Or are you feeling scared to thinking about transferring your whole blog to new host?
Don’t worry friend. You can do everything very smoothly even you are not a wordpress expert. After finish reading this article i hope that, you can transfer your existing wordpress blog to a new hosting server or a new hosting company with zero down time.

How to transfer Full WordPress blog To new Hosting server with zero Down time Most Easily?

Task on your old hosting c panel?

The two important task you have to do on your old server: To do this we have to backup our full blog from  c panel.

1.Download Database file
2.Download Directory file

So Guys today i am going to explain here, whole process for transferring all your blog file to another new hosting server. So lets take a look how to do it? I have spoken earlier
that to do this task we have to complete two important thing
Firstly we need to backup our full blog from our old hosting c panel Then
Secondly, we have to import all backup files to new hosting server.
Here we go:
Step by step guide how to download full blog files to your computer:
Download the Database first:
okay lets find the database of your blog. What is it? Database are called the files that you created using  your Fantastico or Softaculous;  program  while you installed the wordpress on your blog. You can find these database in your old c panel home under the file menu.
You have to download this database now. click on the Backup wizard and restore options.
Just click on the Backup button
You can see two options here. One is called full backup and other is partial backup.
On the partial backup column you should select the MysQL Databases.
You can see list of the files what you did create while installing wordpress. Just click on a database file to download. Each database file will
be download .sql.gz format
Save it on your Hard drive
I hope you have successfully download the database file.

Task number two: Download the directory File :
Enter on your old hosting c panel
Find the File manager folder under File Menu
Click on File manager Folder
You have to chose your Blog’s Domain name if you have more than one Domain
Then click on go button after selecting the domain name
Now you will find dashboard
See the left side of the page, you will find a folder name public_html  with + sign before it.
click on + sign
Choose your existing domain name which you want to transfer
Now click on + button for expand it will show you wp-admin,wp-content,wp-includes etc
Now click on the WP -content
It will show its all file of it right side
Select all the folders and compress it as zip file format
Now download the zip file on your hard drive
You have successfully download your blogs on your PC.
Congrates, you have done complete back up of your whole wordpress blog already. Now

The task which you have to do on your New hosing cPanel are given below:

Adding Domain on new hosting server
Install wordpress
Upload Database
Upload Directory file
Update DNS name

Okay step by step i am gonna explained all, Above mentioned two things you can do very easily- 1.adding domain 2.Adding fresh wordpress on your domain
Add your domain on your new hosting server by using the add on domain option’s  which you will find under your c panels domains menu
Add a fresh wordpress on your domain after adding the domain on new server, you have to install a new wordpress on that domain. You can use Fantastico or Softaculous software provided by your hosting server company to install wordpress on your domain.
Now after finished installed wordpress, you have to replace the existing database,which you already have on your computer- using phpmyadmin
Go to phpmyadmin folder
Click on the existing database found on the left side dashboard
Now find the import tab  at the top of the page and click on the import Button
You will be prompted to a page where you can upload your database. So select your old database by click on Browse button  then click on Go button . This will automatically replaced your existing database with the imported database.
You have completed upload of Database file successfully. Now You have to upload directory file:
Go to file manager of new c panel
Find your domain name on the left side from the public_html option and click + button to find the WP-content folder
You can see existing newly WordPress files on it.
Now find the upload button at the top and upload  your downloading directory files.( from your previous hosting server to new hosting server)
After uploaded your directory files, you must need to extract zip files on your new server. To do that use the extract button at the top
You are done.

Update your Domain Name Servers (DNS) now

Update the DNS pointing to your new hosting server.
You have to wait at least 12 hours to activate this new DNS fully. I have written all those steps for you so that it never effect on your blog site down. Because when new DNS will take place before that old DNS


Its very hard actually to change hosting server for the large WordPress blog but if you follow all those steps as described above then i hope you will not fall any problem but even you have done all those steps and find something not clear to you, you are welcomed to send direct email to us so that we can send you the correct solution for that. But make sure  backup your  full blog which you have to do before doing any transferring if something went wrong.

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