How To Update Sitemap For Blogger Blog In Google To Keep Index All Posts?

I m back in blogging after huge gap. The main factor which for the first time made me worried for not being regular in blogger is Indexing all blog posts that i have been posting  since i started blogging and still posting in blogger platform.
I have written few post in recent time after long gap but unfortunately i have found none of the post get index in google. You know guys in blogger blog there is a default sitemap but this sitemap is useless for indexing huge number of post if the post number is exceed more than 26 in recent time. So this is the great problem for those who are doing blogging on blogger platform for the sake of saving hosting money 🙂 So am i. But guys i bring a solution for this problem to you. Lets find out How To Update Sitemap For Blogger Blog In Google To Keep Index All Posts?

How To Update Sitemap For Blogger Blog In Google To Keep Index All Posts?

To Avoid missing your blog post in Blogger Follow these steps as below:
First of all Go to Sitemap Generator> Type your blogspot blog name including http:// you can add your custom blogger domain name too like >
Click the Create Sitemap button and this tool will instantly generate the necessary text for your sitemap.Now Copy the entire text from the display to the clipboard.
Now Go to your blogger blog dashboard and under settings find Search Preferences, then enable Custom robots.txt option (available in the Crawling and Indexing section). Paste the clipboard text here and save your changes.

 And we are done. Search engines will automatically discover your XML sitemap files via the robots.txt file and you don’t have to ping them manually.
From now on You will never get miss from indexing by google or any other search engine like bing etc.


I hope this small tips will help large number of blogspot blogger who are doing free hosting blogging and keep their blog post indexing properly. So continue blogging and keep update your blog post everyday without any worry. Happy blogging:)

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