How to write SEO friendly post title for blogger page | Seo Tips

If you are new in blogging, that means you have to learn so many things. and in this concern seo is very important. when you have launched a new post here you have to find out two things blog title and post title. This two will be shown in (serp )search engine results page.
For the first time if you published a blog page with ready mate template from blogger i mean free template then, you will not see the different post title in different post. To fix  this problem you have to edit your blog template code. And this will be complete seo friendly title for your blog. In search engine google only count 70 characters. So if your post title comes later after blog title then may be google will cut some line from your post title. That means you are gonna lose search engine ranking and reader. to fix this problem you have to do this.

How To make your blog complete seo friendly?

Here’s how you do it: 1. Login to your Blogger account. 2. Go to Dashboard > Design > Edit HTML. 3. Back up your template. Look for this code below: <title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title>Replace it with this:

1 <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>
2 <title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title>
3 <b:else/>
4 <title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title>
5 </b:if>

Now Save. The code above will put post title in front of blog title on post and static pages.

Now i want to tell you more how to select effective  keyword for post title?

Here you have to follow major three things. They are as follows 1.Use Google Keyword tool to analyze Keywords 2.Keep the Title length to 70 characters 3.Make your title Attractive! Lets go to Google Keyword tool and sign in here Now type these three words : America, US, united states here you will find global monthly search  for US is more than America and united states

So for post title if you like to write something about this country then the name you should put as US not America or united states. Here one thing is important that you must emphasis on the keyword which is global monthly search is highest than others. And also try to keep the full sentence on post title as it shown in google keyword search phrase  and lastly try to keep your blog post title within 70 characters and most attractive. Enjoy.

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