How i start my first blog?

If i am not wrong in recent time people are looking for solution of their life’s problem and more willing to know the new upcoming products through blog. They are believing that a blogger has the ability to feed back them most update news of recent technology and life style.
That is why blogging is so popular same as facebook. But it is very important to know if you are willing to serve online people by giving them most recent information via blogging, you must have your blog seo friendly and smart looking with easy navigation type. If you have been starting your blog without following this then i must say what ever you do or what ever you try for blogging you cant be successful. So please check here how i start my first blog and what was the wrong with my maiden blog? 

What are the things you must know for successful blogging?


When i did open my first blogspot blog that time i had faced so many problems. The first problem was my post title problem. Every time when i was browsing any post that time the post title was not showing on the internet explorer title bar. It was showing the title with my blog name first. Never showing particular title page. You know for seo this is the major obstacle to get search engine visibility. After that i consult with my friends and he teach me how to solve this title problem. Here i will discuss about it later. Secondly i was facing another great problem that was in my blog template i was unable to add navigation bar like home, contact, privacy, sitemap etc. How to add such kinds of nav bar i was unknown. And this was like unprofessional looking of my blog. So about it i discuss with my friend and he teach me how to add nav bar. Then thirdly i was facing rss feed, contact page and comment page creating problem all these stuff was solved by my friends. And he made my blog a complete seo friendly. Thus i re-edit my first blog template and become a successful blogger. Still i am learning how to create a seo friendly blog template. Please my dear blog reader keep touch in this blog and let me know you about all these seo secret step by step in my next post. Till than happy blogging.

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