Is it possible for me to Start Blogging Now ?

Hello, Everybody i hope everything is right. What is the current most popular topics right now ? If i ask you, you will probably answer blogging or blogs. What do we mean by blog ? I don’t wanna answer this but i must say this is become pretty common issue now. In one word we can say blogging is like writing something based on topics in everyday basis in online. But the question is is it possible for all of us to become a blogger? Or is it possible for me to start blogging now? Before answering this question i request you to read this post. Here you can know who can become blogger. Mindfully read this post and think that you can be blogger too. Now i need to go to the point ya you can start blogging now. But what is the main problem before start your blogging is you don’t know how to start, how to choose topics and how to make your blog search engine friendly? Okay you may heard that my friends sankor has started a blog about it. And i can ensure you if you follow regularly this blog i hope you will never failed to start a good blog for your own.

You can be a blogger

What is the problem now to find out which topics you should follow first for starting a blog you don’t know that. Yes it is very difficult for you to find out a good profitable niche topics if you don’t study on it. Let me clear you lets say you are willing to start blogging on the topics of online credit card. But the topics which you have chosen is not wrong, what is wrong here is actually do you know about credit card very well? If not then it is wasting of time only. What i need to tell you that if your mind don’t like to be happy on that topics then stop it to write on that. Why because may be you can write few post but you cant carry on so long on that blog. Lastly what would happened is you are gonna die your blog. So do you think your mind and soul feel happy on credit card topics then don’t waste time carry on writing on it. For more clear conceptions i can give you  a real example Do you like to become a Engineer if your mind always like to be a painter? Or do you like to become a doctor if your mind like to be a pilot? What is the problem to choose a topics of your blog? Like choosing a life goal ? So see the movies Three idiots i hope you can be clear. Why i must say that because my mind always like to read and write about tech blogging now if somebody ask me to write about health blogging surely it will be the same fault as the movies Three idiot’s shown us.

So if still you are not clear just go here . And i hope you will get the correct answer. If you have any questions on your mind feel free to ask me here. I will try my best to answer your questions.

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