How To Know Which WordPress Theme Is Using ?

Know Which WordPress Theme You Using ?

Know Which WordPress Theme You Using ?

WordPress is the number one best CMS at present in Online. You might be visiting many WordPress websites without knowing it’s details. What if you can know which WordPress theme is the website are made of and what are the plugin in the WordPress sites ?
This question maybe appear on your mind too ?
If we know that the website of other is made by WordPress theme then it might easy for us to download or customize our own personal blog or website by that theme too.

Know Which WordPress Theme You Using ?

Know Which WordPress Theme You Using ?

Most likely we only like to know when the blog or website seems us very beautiful or it’s outlook , navigation is very user-friendly .
On the other hand if you are a WordPress blogger or developer you might be interested more to customize other people website for better performance or your own customization .
No matter what you like to do it’s very helpful for you to know the details of the sites.
Today I would like to informed you about this .
To know what other people are using for third WordPress sites you can type of their WordPress websites name and hit enter it will show you about the website details .
You will know which WordPress theme is made of that sites and version details if you like to purchase or download that theme you can just click on the link and it will redirect you to that sites.
Not only that but also you buyambiencheap can views the plugin names and details of the plugin if the sites are using any plugin.
So why late go to And type your desired website link Url you are good to go.
All the details of the sites will be shown at below of that sites pages .
One thing I have to clear to you that only WordPress websites will be shown if the sites is running by another platform like Joomla or Drupal then the sites will alert you that sorry this website is not using WordPress this message.
So hopefully you will try and will check your favorite other people website with this in online just visiting of the sites called
Hopefully you have enjoyed this article.
Thanks for reading.

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