Run Windows Program by Some Window Command

Today I am giving some Run commands of windows. You can very easily run any program from start >run using this command list.I hope this command list will help you more to use your computer.So lets starts….
Run commad List

Accessibility controls – access.cpl
Accessibility wizard – accwiz
Add Hardware wizard – hdwwiz.cpl
Add/Remove programs – appwiz.cpl
Administrative Tools – control admintools
Automatic Update – wuaucpl.cpl

BlueTooth File Transfer wizard – fsquirt
Calculator – calc
Certificate – certmgr.msc
Character Map – charmap

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Check Disk – chkdsk
Clipboard Viewer – clipbrd
Command Promt – cmd
Componant Service – dcomcnfg
Computer Management – compmgmt.msc
Control Panel – control
User Accounts – control userpasswords2
Date and Times – timedate.cpl
D.D.E shares – ddeshare
Device Manager – devmgmt.msc
DirectX – dxdiag
Disk Clean up – cleanmgr
Disk Defragment – dfrg.msc
Disk Management – diskmgmt.msc
Disk Partition Manager – diskpart
Display Properties – control desktop
Display propertied – desk.cpl
Dr. Wattson for Windows – drwtsn32
Driver Verification Manager – verifier
Event Viewer – eventvwr.msc
File and Settings transfer tool – migwiz
File signeture verification tool – sigverif
Find fast – findfast.cpl
Folder properties – control folders
Fonts – control fonts
Fonts – fonts
Game controlls – joy.cpl
Group Policy – gpedit.msc
Help and Support – helpctr
HyperTerminal – hypertrm
I.Express wizard – iexpress
Indexing Service – ciadv.msc
Internet Connection wizard – icwconn1
Internet Explorer – iexplorer
Internet Property – inetcpl.cpl
keyboard – controls keyboard
Local security settings – secpol.msc
Local Users And group – lusrmgr.msc
Logoff – logoff
Microsoft chat – winchart
Microsoft Movie maker – moviemk
Paint – mspaint
Microsoft Sincronization tool – mobsync

Are you Bookmark (ctrl+d)

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