Stop Open Any Internet Webpages From All Browsers

Guys, don’t misunderstand me, following this post you can disable showing any webpages from any browsers like IE,Mozilla Firefox or Google chrome Even you have internet connection enabled in your pc or laptop. Now let me tell you why i am giving you this tips? Because sometime in our home when everybody have the access of using internet
, may be your child or younger brothers or sisters can be any person like to browse bad webpages, chat in facebook or want to visit internet without study while you are not home. So in that case you can apply this tricks so that they never understand what exactly happened. By this tip you can make fun with your friends computer as well. Here we go

How to Stop Open Any Internet Webpages From All Browsers

From IE select Tools/Internet Options/Connections/LAN Settings.

Step 2. Put a tick in the check box next to “Use a Proxy Server for your LAN …”

Step 3. Type in “” in the address box and “80” in the Port box. Don’t type in the quote marks of course, just what’s inside them.
Step 4. Click OK.

From now if you open IE even though having Internet connection, you cant access to IE or IE will not display any webpages. Thus in your house or any public school or library you can disable IE browser while not using any others browser in OS . Thus it will save you from using facebook or addictive online games . 

You can ask your child not to use facebook if they insist just apply above method.

IF you like to Enable then you  need to start it up and select Tools/Internet Options/Connections/LAN Settings from the toolbar and un-check the box “Use a Proxy Server for your LAN
You have to change the configuration of IF only, and after that you will notice Mozilla, Google chrome etc all other browsers are displaying nothing. so by this process you can disable all webpages access to your browsers. Enjoy 

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