Update Your Status in Blue Color Text in Facebook Fun Trix

Update your status in blue color text in facebook fun trix, Hi guys how is going on? I hope all of you are enjoying facebook. Me too. You know its become our everyday habit at least login on facebook and see new status update from our friends.
Okay can you tell me how it would be if you too update your facebook status little bit different format!

Update Your Status in Blue Color Text in Facebook Fun Trix

It would be so funny and of course the person who get this update status would be pleased. I am talking about your status update text to make changed with blue color to give fun. So how to update your status in blue color text in facebook? Because all the time we have seen the update message text default color is black. Okay guys don’t worry its very easy just add this code below before your update message and hit enter.

@@[1:[0:1: type your message here]]

 Lets take a look my status update below :

You can see the color of text has been changed to blue. Its can be used while chatting also or if you like to post comment. So guys now have fun on facebook and stay with your facebook friends all the time connected

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