How To Use Gmail SMTP to Send wordpress Email ?

Use Gmail SMTP to Send wordpress Email ?

After successful blogger to wordpress migration , we have found another email authentication issues which is Gmail unable to verify who is the real sender of the mail. By default wordpress has automatic email notification for successful installation to the admin email accounts. I have seen i also receive such kind of email from wordpress something like is the original sender.  but gmail unable to verify it , if we can Use Gmail SMTP to Send wordpress Email , this problem would solved ,So do you like to  Use Gmail SMTP to Send wordpress Email ?

Use Gmail <span class='hiddenSpellError wpgc-spelling' style='background: inherit;'><span class='hiddenSpellError wpgc-spelling' style='background: inherit;'><span class='hiddenSpellError wpgc-spelling' style='background: inherit;'><span class='hiddenSpellError wpgc-spelling' style='background: inherit;'><span class='hiddenSpellError wpgc-spelling' style='background: inherit;'>SMTP</span></span></span></span></span> to Send wordpress Email

 Gmail SMTP to Send wordpress Email ?

While i am checking my Gmail inbox , my Gmail has notified me that it’s unable to find out who is the owner of this email . Gmail unable to authenticate and verify email sender name. what is the reason for it? I did search on google and find out that My domain needs to add SPF which is mean sender policy framework for website email. As i am using bluehost , contacting with them able to manage and add SPF record to my hosting email. But problem remain same because i am not using my own webmail to send email to my website ‘ s client . It is wordpress default email which i used to send any notifications mail. So at last I have find out i need to configure Gmail free service called SMTP to avoid this happened again. Lets see now to Use Gmail SMTP to Send wordpress Email ?

 Gmail SMTP to Send wordpress Email ?

First of all Go to your wordpress dashboard and add a plugin from add new name: Gmail SMTP plugin. 

After activate this plugin you have to generate web api keys to use Gmail SMTP server. So go to web application link and sign in with your Gmail account you will see Google Developers Console website as login here. Once you are logged in, a new project will be created for you with the Gmail API enabled in it.

After login a new project will pop up with gmail api key enable in it,

Click on the go to credentials button to continue.

On the next screen you will be asking  Questions

where will you be calling the API from? select web browser and which data you will be accessing choose user data.

Then click ‘What credentials do I need?’ button to continue. Give your website URL address after that Under ‘Authorized redirect URIs’, you need to paste the URL shown on Gmail SMTP plugin’s settings page in your WordPress dashboard.

Then click create client ID button to continue. You will now reach OAuth Screen setup. Simply  now i have selected my  gmail address and offer a name for the App that is access my Gmail Account. In this case, it will be your website name. Here i have given for my website name.

Once  done, click on the continue button to go ahead. I have successfully setup Gmail API with OAuth authentication enabled for it. Just click on the Done button.

Now we will see the list of client IDs (apps) that we have created for our Gmail API.

Click on the name of website or project client to continue.

On the next screen, we will see the Client ID and Client Secret keys.

Simply copy that and paste it to our installed plugin settings . Where it’s needed.

After that fill out rest of the plugin settings. We need to add  gmail email address in OAuth Email Address and From Email Address fields. You can enter your name or the name of your website in the ‘From Name’ field. In our emails, we use Faridgem from Prioarena.

Next, select TLS for encryption and use 587 as port. Finally, click on the save changes button to store our settings.

After the plugin’s settings page reloads, you need to scroll down to the bottom and click on the Grant Permission button.

Just click allow if gmail asking to allow for  permission to our website . we have done. Go to email compose for testing an email by clicking on the test email tab.

Hopefully you can use Use Gmail SMTP to Send wordpress Email   after receiving a TEST email.

In any case if you unable to receive email contact to your hosting provider to open the SMTP port for you. Some hosting company blocks having mail access from third parties . On the other hand if you use third party plugin to send email ,if not configured it with your site email message will be lost .

You can check the error log message from the plugin also , if still error after opening port from your host then contact to gmailSMTP plugin author for the error log.






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