What should need to install for a fresh new pc | Free online file download

I have been using Internet for the last of  5  years.Not so many years though for me it is very good to say, I have learned so many things using internet.
Today I am gonna share you some of my Download experience using internet.Okay most probably everybody would thought that internet is a source of getting free things on online.
Yes this is correct but all things are not free on internet.Today i am gonna share with you about free online file download. Reading this post you can download free software  from  internet .
It is very important to you to know why I am going to share this kind of post -Because last night my YOUNGER BROTHER Topo mail me that recently he has bought a computer and has taken internet connection but don’t know
which software and file he should download first and how to get the download websites link ? YOU KNOW HE IS MAIDEN IN ONLINE. for that email what  i replied  to him is sharing here now.
So First of all if you have very new pc and you have internet connection also, so you can download some good quality software for your pc and to improve your pc WORKING SMART  you should have some quality software.
okay lets say -you have a fresh computer.Just buy from a computer shop.For the first time what i suggest  you to check your antivirus. May be for first time you have limited period  antivirus with your operating system.
but after finish the trail versions time -you need just go to  http://www.avira.com/en/download/index.html and download the free AVIRA  antivirus.this is the best antvirus what I am using for my pc.
Other free software what you need to download and installed

Make your pc simple

2.Internet browser mozilla firefox
3.File download software DAP
4.Adobe flash player
6.Disk defragmentation software
7.VLC player
8.Google toolbar
9.filezip and winrar
10.File converter software
11.Adobe Reader
12.Microsoft office
13.Yahoo messanger,google talk,skype
14.PDF file converter
15.Youtube downloader
16.Real player
17.Website copier
18.Avro bangla typing software
19.English to bangla dictionary
20.Nero burning Rom
21.Super DVD
22.Mp3 file converter
23.Dreamweaver MX


I hope that if you download those free stuffs and install in your pc then you can use your computer more comfortably than others.Make your computer use very simple.

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Author:faridul islam

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