Which platform I should choose For Blogging?

Hi guys as i told you before in my previous post for blogging which platform would be best for me? Yes in this post i am gonna discuss it more further. You know at present there are huge number of blogs have been published by blogger but the url is include with blogspot.com like yourdomainname.blogspot.com. Here you cant get your own domain. You have to share your url with blogger. Because you have chosen a free service. Guys here is the point do you like to blogging professionally then i must say for the professional blogger you must have your own domain. If you have other purpose like for entertainment and pass time or just for making a online identity then blogspot name can be okay. So you have understand now why you cant start blogging in blogger with. Com name. To start with this kind of name you have to expense few bucks. Its not so many $10 dollars only. Not so many right. You can get your own domain for one year. After buying this domain you can host it with any hosting provider or you can published it free just using blogger or free wordpress hosting. For me if you ask which platform you should start then i will tell you to start with blogger.( For those who are new in blogging But for expertise wordpress is must)and if you don’t want to expense any money for blogging. But for professional purpose you must start in wordpress platform after buy hosting. In this case you have pay few bucks but for professional blogging this is the best. Because who knows one day blogger stopped its free service then you have to lose all your data if you never back up regularly. So guys you may now understand the correct answer and choose to buy domain now but wait before you buy a domain you have to follow some rules. In my next post i am gonna discuss about that. Till than happy blogging.

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